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Protect a PHP file from being called from outside - DDos Attack in progress

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Hello All,


I am in desperate help here since my site was DDoS attacked by some one in turkey (Ips originate mostly from turkey, Germany, and some other Europe countries). I have installed the ddos deflation and most of the IPs are now blocked.



I have a php file in my server that I use to input data into my database and my streaming servers. This file is called connect.php and the hacker is basically created an automated script that repeatedly call the connect.php file from a botnet resulting in both apache and mysql dead. I use connect.php in the following way


http.open('get', "ajax/createchannel_1.php?channel=" + channelname + "&sitename=" + sitename + "&privateurl=" + privateurl + "&privateurlcheck=" + privateurlcheck);


How can i change the connect.php so that it only accept execution from my server/

Please your help is greatly appreciated.




Thanks for the reply.

I have created a .htaccess file and placed the following init


<Files .htaccess>
order allow,deny
deny from all

order allow deny
deny from all
allow from MY_Server_IP


However, I am not able to create any channels after this so it is also denying requests by my server (dedicated IP)

Any idea why would above code disable the following?


http.open('get', "ajax/createchannel_1.php?channel=" + channelname + "&sitename=" + sitename + "&privateurl=" + privateurl + "&privateurlcheck=" + privateurlcheck);




I am no htaccess expert but i would try


<Files "connect.php">
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    allow from external IP address
    allow from



I have tried this but still no luck. They all seems to block my http.open('get',


ask in this forum on the phpfreaks site these guys know a lot more on htaccess than me




also remove


order allow deny
deny from all
allow from MY_Server_IP


from the htaccess if it is still there, but apart from researching it myself I cant be much more help with that on htaccess

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