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Hi all, I am trying to figure out how to add 60 days to a mysql stored DATE, then subtract the current date from that date to see how many days there are... Its for a 60 day trial and when they signed up, it put the date in which they signed up in the database table...


Here's what I have, but it's not working... But I can't get it to add 60 days to a mysql stored DATE,... then of course I have to figure out how to do the subtraction...

$CustomerSaasDateStarted = $row['CustomerSaasDateStarted'];
$CustomerSaasDateStartedPlusSixtyDays = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($CustomerSaasDateStarted, "+60 days"));
// Test Output
echo 'Date Trial Started: '.date("M d, Y", strtotime($CustomerSaasDateStarted));
echo '<br />';
echo '60 days from Date Trial Started: '.date("M d, Y", strtotime($CustomerSaasDateStartedPlusSixtyDays));
echo '<br />';

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Ok, figured out how to add 60 days to a mysql date...


$CustomerSaasDateStartedPlusSixtyDays = date('M d, Y', strtotime($CustomerSaasDateStarted.' '.'+60 days'));


Now just need to figure out how to subtract the current date from that... will post code if I figure it out...

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Cannot seem to get a grip on this whole subtracting 2 dates things... I need to find out how many days are left from the subtraction...


This gives the wrong output, but like a month's worth...


$CustomerSaasDateStarted = $row['CustomerSaasDateStarted'];
$CustomerSaasDateStartedPlusSixtyDays = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($CustomerSaasDateStarted.' '.'+60 days'));
$TheCurrentDate = date('Y-m-d');
$TheCurrentDate = new DateTime($TheCurrentDate);
$CustomerSaasDateStartedPlusSixtyDays = new DateTime($CustomerSaasDateStartedPlusSixtyDays);
$DifferenceInterval = $TheCurrentDate->diff($CustomerSaasDateStartedPlusSixtyDays);
echo $DifferenceInterval->d.' Days Remaining on Trial<br /><br />

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You can do this all as part of your query -

SELECT DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD(CustomerSaasDateStarted, INTERVAL 60 DAY),CURDATE()) as days_remaining


A negative value would indicate the current date is past the end of the trial. A positive value would indicate the trial is still in effect.

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You can do this all as part of your query -

SELECT DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD(CustomerSaasDateStarted, INTERVAL 60 DAY),CURDATE()) as days_remaining


A negative value would indicate the current date is past the end of the trial. A positive value would indicate the trial is still in effect.


Thank  you, that worked perfectly, never thought to do it in the query...

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Actually, had to make one minor change to make the amount of days come out right, I didn't notice it at first until I started changing the date in which they signed up...


(60 - DATEDIFF(DATE_ADD(CustomerSaasDateStarted, INTERVAL 60 DAY),CURDATE())) as DaysRemaining

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