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Hi people,


I've been having trouble with this for a while now. Basically, i have this website: http://el07jpg.info . You can log in with username:doctor1 password:password1


Once you've logged on, u can click on "Patients". Then, if you click on a patient, it shows their info. Then at the bottom, I have links to glucose readings and heart rate readings... but when I click on either of those links, it goes back to the main page, showing all the patients..


The weird thing is that I got this to work for the first step, u click on the <a href> link of a patient, and it brings you to their page. Then I've done the EXACT same thing to link to the glucose or heart rate readings of that specific patient, but it doesn't work. I really can't see what i've done wrong. Although I noticed in the address bar, when I click on glucose readings for example, the url is http://el07jpg.info/index.php?op=patients&id=&reading=glucose (id should be equal to a number, like id=4, but there's no number... Any help would be much appreciated! Cheers! Code for op_patients.php page:





//Page if a set of records is selected from a single patient's page


if ($_REQUEST[reading]+0) {




$sql="select * from {$reading_source}_readings where patientRFID='{$patient[patientRFID]}' ";


if (!$results){

$GLOBALS[err][]="No records exist!";




$GLOBALS['html']['title']="Patient: {$patient[first_name]} {$patient[last_name]}'s {$reading_source} readings ";


        echo $reading_source;



//Page if a single patient is selected


if ($_REQUEST[id]+0) {




$sql="select * from patients where doctorID='{$_SESSION[user][id]}' and patientID='$id' ";


if (!$patient){

$GLOBALS[err][]="The patient can't be found!";




$GLOBALS['html']['title']="Patient: {$patient[last_name]}, {$patient[first_name]} ";




        <table border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5' width='600'>

        <tr><td rowspan=6><img src=\"$patient[photo]\"> </td>

        <th>Name: </th><td>{$patient[first_name]} {$patient[last_name]} </td></tr>

        <tr><th>D.O.B: </th><td>{$patient[dob]} </td></tr>

        <tr><th>Email: </th><td>{$patient} </td></tr>

        <tr><th>Phone Number: </th><td>{$patient[phone_no]}</td></tr>

        <tr><th>Address: </th><td>{$patient[address]}</td></tr>

        <tr><th><br> Comments:<br> </th>

        <td>{$patient[comments]} </td></tr>



        <table border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5' width='600'>

        <tr><th colspan=3><br>Medical Readings<br><br></th></tr>


        <td align='center' width='300'>

        <a href='index.php?op=patients&id={$v[patientID]}&reading=glucose'>Glucose Readings</a>


<td colspan=2 align='center' width='300'>

<a href='index.php?op=patients&id={$v[patientID]}&reading=heart'>Heart Rate Readings</a>






echo $output;




//Main Page showing all patients





if(!$_SESSION[user][id]) {

        $er="Access Denied! Please Log in.";

        echo "<div style='color:red;'>$er</div>";

} else {



$sql="select * from patients where doctorID='{$_SESSION[user][id]}' order by last_name";



foreach ($d as $v){



<a href='index.php?op=patients&id={$v[patientID]}'>{$v[last_name]}, {$v[first_name]}</a>





echo "

<table width=80% align=left border='1' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='5' width='100%'>

<tr><th class=popupheader align='left'>

Patient Name<br><br>












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