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I have a site that sends an email using the following code:


mail($email,"Welcome to ohio-dui-laws.com","Hello ".$fname.",\n\nYour account on Ohio Dui Laws has been created.\nPlease login and fill out your profile details in order to have access to all the member content. \n\n\tUsername : ".$email." \n\tPassword : ".$_POST["password"]."\n\nThanks for joining http://Ohio-dui-laws.com");


Currently, when the recipient receives the email the From is defaulting to the server and looks like this:  [email protected]


What I would like is for the From in the email header to show [email protected].


Would you be so kind and add whatever I need to the above code so that it displays [email protected]?


Thank you so much.




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you'll want to add a headers parameter

$headers = 'From: Birthday Reminder <[email protected]>' . "\r\n"

just insert whatever email you want...so your mail() function will look like this now

mail($email,"Welcome to ohio-dui-laws.com","Hello ".$fname.",\n\nYour account on Ohio Dui Laws has been created.\nPlease login and fill out your profile details in order to have access to all the member content. \n\n\tUsername : ".$email." \n\tPassword : ".$_POST["password"]."\n\nThanks for joining http://Ohio-dui-laws.com", '$headers');

you'll want to add a headers parameter

$headers = 'From: Birthday Reminder <[email protected]>' . "\r\n"

just insert whatever email you want...so your mail() function will look like this now

mail($email,"Welcome to ohio-dui-laws.com","Hello ".$fname.",\n\nYour account on Ohio Dui Laws has been created.\nPlease login and fill out your profile details in order to have access to all the member content. \n\n\tUsername : ".$email." \n\tPassword : ".$_POST["password"]."\n\nThanks for joining http://Ohio-dui-laws.com", '$headers');


Thank you my friend.  Okay...$headers was displaying as full text in the body of the email.  I change to double quotes:


mail($email,"Welcome to ohio-dui-laws.com","Hello ".$fname.",\n\nYour account on Ohio Dui Laws has been created.\nPlease login and fill out your profile details in order to have access to all the member content. \n\n\tUsername : ".$email." \n\tPassword : ".$_POST["password"]."\n\nThanks for joining http://Ohio-dui-laws.com", "$headers");


Plus, sadly it still is not working.  The header says: [email protected].  I did copy and past the <head> info:

$headers = 'From: Ohio-DUI-LAWS/DUI Self Help Website <[email protected]>' . "\r\n"


Any thoughts?


Thank you again,



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