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Using .htaccess to protect file


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Is there a way to use .htaccess so that people cannot access a file in a directory BUT a PHP script in another directory can Include the file?


(I have a sensitive file that I wanted to put outside of httpdocs and then Include it, but the way my VPS is set up, it much harder than anticipated.  So maybe using .htaccess is a reasonable workaround?!)







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To prevent all http/https requests, put the following into a .htaccess file in the folder -

deny from all


But that won't stop me from including it from another location in httpdocs?


For example, could I have my Checkout page...



// Include Authorize.net Values.



And then have my keys stored here...





And have your recommended .htaccess like...



deny from all


And have it work as desired?






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Also, you do realize that php code in a .php file would only expose your credentials if you echoed the values or php was somehow disabled/broken but the web server was still working?


Browse to your auth_config.php file and see what you get as output?

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Also, you do realize that php code in a .php file would only expose your credentials if you echoed the values or php was somehow disabled/broken but the web server was still working?


Browse to your auth_config.php file and see what you get as output?


I understand that, but what if someone hacked into my VPS?


That is what I'm trying to guard against.


(Or what is a GoDaddy Tech goes onto my VPS and writes down my Authorize.net ID values?)


I guess storing things out of httpdocs won't help there, but I've just always heard that it is *bad* to store things like login credentials in the web root?!  :shrug:


I suppose the logic is that it is much easier to hack into httpdocs than the server root.


What about encrypting my keys, so if someone ever got though my .htaccess (e.g. a GoDaddy Tech snooping around), then they still couldn't see the actual key values??





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