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I have inherited some code which has been placed on a new LAMP server, intended to replace an ageing system.The code uses the $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] variable but when ran through the Webrowser doesn't work.

phpinfo() reveals that the $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] variable does not exist. It does exist though on the server where the code originally comes from.

My problem is how to enable the use of $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] on this newly built server.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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You need an .htaccess file first. A basic .htaccess file, for testing purposes:



AuthName "restricted stuff"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/.htpasswd
require valid-user

Place that file in the folder that you are wanting protected (or the root of the site, if you want ALL things protected)


next, run this:

htpasswd -c /etc/.htpasswd user1

it will ask for a password for user1 (change the user to the username you want to use)

for all other users, do this:

htpasswd /etc/.htpasswd user2
htpasswd /etc/.htpasswd user3


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Sorry, I should have given more detail. The Webpage loads automatically without a username and password as long as the logged in user is a member of the required Windows Active Directory group. Therefore I do not need to set a password for each user as your method describes as AD takes care of this.

We are trying to make an exact duplicate of an existing system onto a new server, as this is how the original system works.

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Yes jonsjava, PHP LDAP was installed and apache restarted. Thanks for keep coming back to me.

I have progressed to this point :-

The following line needs to be added to the apache2.conf file ...

LoadModule ntlm_winbind_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_auth_ntlm_winbind.so

But when added apache would not restart.. cannot find file mod_auth_ntlm_winbind.

Searched further and came across the following instruction on how to install it ...



apxs2 -DAPACHE2 -c -i mod-auth_ntlm_winbind.c


Had to install autoconfig first with apt-get install autoconfig but now when trying to run above command I get ...

autoconfig error no input file

Pretty much drawing a blank from then on.


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