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php url segments


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Hi Guys,


ExpressionEngine cms uses url segment variables:



so just wondering how to do the following with raw php:


If i have 2 urls for demo purposes:






segment1 = animals

segment2 = dogs

and segment3 = terrier



I'd like to be able to use raw php in my templates such that:


if segment1= animals

show this html/php code



show this other html/php code




if segment3= blackcat

show this html/php code



show this other html/php code



and so on for upto 5 segments or more.


I'm phrasing it very basically out of my own PHP newbie ignorance but hopefully someone will know the code I'm after. The segments will relate to the url in the browser as opposed to some fixed url like the samples above.



Googling revealed 2 examples which I fused together so syntax probably totally wrong to try and explain. (may help}


$segment = explode("/", $uri);
$uri_3 = $segment[3];

if ($segment[3]=="blackcat")
  echo "Have a nice weekend!"; //i want to echo a chunk of html code though
  echo "Have a nice day!"; //i want to echo a chunk of html code though

if ($segment[1]=="animals")
  echo "Have a nicer weekend!"; //i want to echo a chunk of html code though
  echo "Have a nicer day!"; //i want to echo a chunk of html code though


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To output a chunk of html you can do either of the following

Using single quotes (make sure you escape any ' within your string using \')

echo '<div class="textColor">
<p> Hello phpfreaks</p>
<h2> some title</h2>
<p> another paragraph</p>


Or double quotes (make sure you escape any " within your string using \")

echo "<div class=\"textColor\">
<p> Hello phpfreaks</p>
<h2> some title</h2>
<p> another paragraph</p>


Or using heredoc syntax

echo <<<HTML
<div class="textColor">
<p> Hello phpfreaks</p>
<h2> some title</h2>
<p> another paragraph</p>


Or  you can go in/out of PHP

// your code here
<div class="textColor">
<p> Hello phpfreaks</p>
<h2> some title</h2>
<p> another paragraph</p>
// some more code here

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