micheall76 Posted May 20, 2011 Share Posted May 20, 2011 Ok, so first, I'm a little more experienced than a newb, but far from an expert. And I'm fairly certain when yall help me through this I'm going to bang my head on the desk and chastize myself for not thinking of it. So here we go. I'm attempting to use some examples I found on php.net for the iptc embed & iptcparse functions. What I've done is taken a class file that was posted (just a collection of the snippets), corrected it for the most part to function how it should. It will read the IPTC data from a jpg just fine. It'll even write to the IPTC fields. The problem comes with the IPTC_KEYWORDS field. That field needs to be an array and I can't get it to write properly. Right now the only thing it's writing is the word "array". Also, I'm a bit confused as to what one of the functions is trying to do and I think it's the function that's causing the mess. Below are the classfile and then the test file making the call. <? /* Examples taken from php.net */ DEFINE('IPTC_OBJECT_NAME', '005'); DEFINE('IPTC_EDIT_STATUS', '007'); DEFINE('IPTC_PRIORITY', '010'); DEFINE('IPTC_CATEGORY', '015'); DEFINE('IPTC_SUPPLEMENTAL_CATEGORY', '020'); DEFINE('IPTC_FIXTURE_IDENTIFIER', '022'); DEFINE('IPTC_KEYWORDS', '025'); DEFINE('IPTC_RELEASE_DATE', '030'); DEFINE('IPTC_RELEASE_TIME', '035'); DEFINE('IPTC_SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS', '040'); DEFINE('IPTC_REFERENCE_SERVICE', '045'); DEFINE('IPTC_REFERENCE_DATE', '047'); DEFINE('IPTC_REFERENCE_NUMBER', '050'); DEFINE('IPTC_CREATED_DATE', '055'); DEFINE('IPTC_CREATED_TIME', '060'); DEFINE('IPTC_ORIGINATING_PROGRAM', '065'); DEFINE('IPTC_PROGRAM_VERSION', '070'); DEFINE('IPTC_OBJECT_CYCLE', '075'); DEFINE('IPTC_BYLINE', '080'); DEFINE('IPTC_BYLINE_TITLE', '085'); DEFINE('IPTC_CITY', '090'); DEFINE('IPTC_PROVINCE_STATE', '095'); DEFINE('IPTC_COUNTRY_CODE', '100'); DEFINE('IPTC_COUNTRY', '101'); DEFINE('IPTC_ORIGINAL_TRANSMISSION_REFERENCE', '103'); DEFINE('IPTC_HEADLINE', '105'); DEFINE('IPTC_CREDIT', '110'); DEFINE('IPTC_SOURCE', '115'); DEFINE('IPTC_COPYRIGHT_STRING', '116'); DEFINE('IPTC_CAPTION', '120'); DEFINE('IPTC_LOCAL_CAPTION', '121'); class iptc { var $meta=Array(); var $hasmeta=false; var $file=false; function iptc($filename) { echo 'IPTC Loading for: '.$filename.'<br />'; $size = getimagesize($filename,$info); $this->hasmeta = isset($info["APP13"]); if($this->hasmeta) $this->meta = iptcparse($info["APP13"]); $this->file = $filename; } function set($tag, $data) { echo 'Updating IPTC Tag.<br />'; $this->meta ["2#$tag"]= Array( $data ); $this->hasmeta=true; } function get($tag) { echo 'Getting IPTC data.<br />'; return isset($this->meta["2#$tag"]) ? $this->meta["2#$tag"][0] : false; } function view() { echo 'Print IPTC Data.<br />'; foreach(array_keys($this->meta) as $s) { $c = count ($this->meta[$s]); for ($i=0; $i <$c; $i++) { echo $s.' = '.$this->meta[$s][$i].'<br />'; } } } function binary() { echo 'Setting new binary block for IPTC writing.<br />'; $iptc_new = ''; foreach (array_keys($this->meta) as $s) { $c = count ($this->meta[$s]); for ($i=0; $i <$c; $i++) { $tag = str_replace("2#", "", $s); $iptc_new .= $this->iptc_maketag(2, $tag, $this->meta[$s][$i]); } } return $iptc_new; } function iptc_maketag($rec,$dat,$val) { echo 'Making IPTC Tag<br />'; $len = strlen($val); if ($len < 0x8000) { return chr(0x1c).chr($rec).chr($dat). chr($len >> . chr($len & 0xff). $val; } else { return chr(0x1c).chr($rec).chr($dat). chr(0x80).chr(0x04). chr(($len >> 24) & 0xff). chr(($len >> 16) & 0xff). chr(($len >> 8 ) & 0xff). chr(($len ) & 0xff). $val; } } function write() { echo 'Writing file...<br />'; if(!function_exists('iptcembed')) return false; $mode = 0; $content = iptcembed($this->binary(), $this->file, $mode); $filename = $this->file; @unlink($filename); #delete if exists $fp = fopen($filename, "w"); fwrite($fp, $content); fclose($fp); } #requires GD library installed function removeAllTags() { 'Removing previous IPTC tags to re-write new data.<br />'; $this->hasmeta=false; $this->meta=Array(); $img = imagecreatefromstring(implode(file($this->file))); @unlink($this->file); #delete if exists imagejpeg($img,$this->file,100); } }; ?> And here's the test-call: <?php require_once("iptceasy.php"); $i = new iptc("fortworden.jpg"); $keywords = array( "keywords" => "updatedkey1", "updatedkey2", "updatedkey3" , "updatedkey4" ); echo $i->set(IPTC_KEYWORDS, $keywords); $i->write(); echo 'Done.'; ?> If I try to set any of the other IPTC fields with a string, the functions work fine. I'm fairly certain the error is either in the set() function or the iptc_maketag() function. And the iptc_maketag() function is the one I'm stumped about. Is that binary that it's prepending to the data? Thanks for any light you can shed and help you can give on this in advance! -Mike Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/237014-iptcembed-keywords-array/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
micheall76 Posted May 21, 2011 Author Share Posted May 21, 2011 Been banging my head on this for 2 or 3 days now. Anyone have any suggestions? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/237014-iptcembed-keywords-array/#findComment-1218427 Share on other sites More sharing options...
micheall76 Posted May 29, 2011 Author Share Posted May 29, 2011 Nobody? I'm fairly sure it's the strlen that's causing the problem in the iptc_maketag function. it's killing the array. Problem is I don't understand what the rest of that function is doing.. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/237014-iptcembed-keywords-array/#findComment-1221812 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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