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On this page, http://ghosthuntersportal.com/store.php?product=2, the ADD CART BUTTON text should be next to the Price, GHP#, ect. and centered within the space.



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I am glad you have an online example. The thinng is your .add_cart_wrapper is wider than needed.

You might want to try something like firebug to see what is going on.

right now your .add_cart_wrapper is wider than  possible; .add_cart_wrapper

When I take that css down to a smaller width, the div doesn't actually butt up against the second div tag that .add_cart_wrapper is contained in (product_wrapper).


I just made the width shorter, now take a look. It's about 60-80 pixels short of being centered in the space between "Price: $1000" and the right border.




I had .add_cart_wrapper set to a width of 250px... now it's 200px.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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