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Hi there,


I'm running:


Windows 7 x64 Professional,



MSSQL Server 2008,


and I installed PHP with the windows installer "php-5.3.6-Win32-VC9-x86." That's the Non-Thread-Safe version.


I need to make use of an httprequest, so I have code for that, but when I open my page, I get the following error:


Fatal error: Class 'HttpRequest' not found in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\...


I have




in my php.ini file.


I've found 4 different versions of the php_http.dll on the web that compile with VC9...




I've copied a variety of different libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll files to Windows/system32 that I've found around the web.


Throughout all this, I am restarting the web server often in hopes that the changes will stick. But nope.


I had a good bit of trouble getting extensions like sqlsrv to properly load, but I eventually got them to show up in phpinfo(). But no matter what I try, I cannot get the php_http extension to stick in my windows installation of PHP.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance!




P.S. I posted the same thread in the parent forum, not realizing there was a more specialized forum. I realize this is duplicated, but if there are people that view this forum only, I want to catch their eye. Here's the other post: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=333881.0

If you used the .msi installer to install php, you must use the Windows control panel add/remove item (its called something else in Win 7) to add a php extension and in which case you also don't modify the php.ini or download files or move files around as the add/remove installer code does that (correctly).

Hmm...  I know of:


Programs and Features --> Turn Windows features on or off


There are options related to IIS and the enabling of CGI. But there's nothing there about setting specific php extensions, especially ones that are not included in the PHP msi. When I loaded PHP, the installer gave me a host of different extensions to enable, but php_http was not one of them.


Is that what you're thinking of, or is there somewhere else that I don't know about that can enable php_http for me? I've got the *.dll and a php.ini file to play with, but I'm not sure what this interface is you're talking about to negate the need for altering the php.ini.

So after much frustration, I finally got both SQLSRV and HTTP extensions to load. I think the issue I was having may have stemmed from mixing and matching x32 and x64, but it certainly feels like I had tried the solution before and it didn't work. But at any rate, it works, so this is SOLVED.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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