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Need multiple headers from one query


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I'm not sure if this would be considered a math question, but I wasn't sure where to post it. Before I start, here's a link to the page:



I'm trying to create a header for each of the different sizes of tiles if the user doesn't specify a size. This is difficult, because if I just put it in the array, it will create a header for each individual tile as opposed to creating one for each unique size. Any ideas? I'm at a loss for anything that could work right now. Here's the PHP:


$mat = $_GET['mat'];
$size = $_GET['size'];
$count = -1;
if ($size >= 1) {
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Type = '".$mat."' AND Size = '".$size."' ");
else {
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Type = '".$mat."' ");
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {

if ($newrow==$count%4) {

<a href="<?php echo $r[image]; ?>" rel="lightbox" title="<?php echo $r[Name]; ?>"><img 

id="tile" src="<?php echo$r[image]; ?>"></a>
<p id="tileinfo">
echo "$r[Name] ($r[Dimensions])";





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You can have your script remember the size of the last tile, and only print a header when the size changes, or if it's the first tile.  I assume you would want to order the results by size as well in your SQL.

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Yes, that's right. I know how to sort by size, but how would I write the script to remember the size of the last tile? Also, if it's remembering the last tile, wouldn't that mean it would put the header in one tile too late? Since it wouldn't realize the size had changed until after a new one comes out.

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It would look like this:


$last_tile_size = null;
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
    # New code
    if ($last_tile_size === null || $last_tile_size != $r['Size']) {
         echo "<h4>Welcome to tile size {$r['Size']}!</h4>";
    $last_tile_size = $r['Size'];

    # Existing code goes here


This will print a header before the data for the first tile (which is why it checks for null), and for any tile where the previous tile was a different size.

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Cheers for the help. I figured it out last night with a slightly different approach.  :D


if ($r[size]>$prevsize) {
<h3 id="dimension"><?php echo $r[Dimensions]; ?> </h3>
$prevsize = $r[size];


I have a new problem now that the active link in the sidebar doesn't change since it's all on one page that just refreshes with different values to the mat and size variables. I'm assuming all I'll need to do on the html end is add a body id that equals those variables, but I haven't quite figured out the css end of it.

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