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am trying to scrape the datas from a webpage, but I get need to get all the data in the




see this link - follow it and get full insights


include 'simple_html_dom.php';

$html1 = file_get_html('http://www.aktive-buergerschaft.de/buergerstiftungen/unsere_leistungen/buergerstiftungsfinder




$info1 = $html1->find('b[class=[what to enter herer ]',0);


well - what is wanted: i need to have all the data out of this site;:


see this link - follow it and get full insights


Bürgerstiftung Lebensraum Aachen

    rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts

    Ansprechpartner: Hubert Schramm

    Alexanderstr. 69/ 71

    52062 Aachen

    Telefon: 0241 - 4500130

    Telefax: 0241 - 4500131

    Email: [email protected]


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Bürgerstiftung Achim

    rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts

    Ansprechpartner: Helga Kühn

    Rotkehlchenstr. 72

    28832 Achim

    Telefon: 04202-84981

    Telefax: 04202-955210

    Email: [email protected]


    >> Weitere Details zu dieser Stiftung


well - what is needed - i need to have the datas that are "behind" the link - is there any way to do this with a ease and understandable parser - one that can be understood and wrote by a newbie!?


that would be more than great


Well one word regardng Regex: I have not tooo much experience - but i guess DOM-Document is the smarter way here...

I suggest hiring a programmer to do this for you, as you've been given solutions before and still can't figure it out.


It's not easy to scrape a webpage, as there are many variables to deal with. On top of your own code, you have to interpret someone else's markup. This isn't a task well suited for a beginner at PHP.


IMO DOM classes are harder than RegEx if all you want is statically formatted data scraping.


If you take the time to learn RegEx, you'll find your solution, and have a tool in your belt that is nearly irreplaceable.



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