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Hi there, im looking for a little bit of help, could someone who knows how to use REXEXP properly tell me how i would select only the uppercase titles from title column and display them


| id             | title        |
| 1             | one        |
| 2             | TWO       |
| 3             | three      |
| 4             | FOUR      |




@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

$query = "SELECT title FROM template WHERE name REGEXP '^(A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z)'";
$result = mysql_query($query);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    echo  "Custom Template Name : {$row['title']} <br><br>";



This was an attempt i made but it did not work i got the following error:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\ProgramData\xampp\htdocs\test.php on line 14


I did attempt to do a search on it but if im honest i didnt fully understand what they were saying.




Im using php 5.3.5 and mysql 5.5.8


Thanks for your help

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seems no matter how i rearranged the formatting after regexp it would always select upper and lower case, after stumbling across a page seems you have to add COLLATE into the mix

$query = "SELECT * FROM template WHERE (title COLLATE latin1_general_cs) REGEXP '^[A-Z]+$'"; 

I see where that came from.


charset_ci = case-insensitive

charset_cs = case-sensitive


Hope this doesn't bog this down. Might be worth changing the table to charset_cs to avoid the call in every regex function, unless there's a point where you need case insensitivity 


Further interesting reading - from the MySQL doc comments



Posted by Guido Dieterich on December 20 2005 11:46am [Delete] [Edit]

This sql statements:

SELECT 'WORD' REGEXP '[[:upper:]]{4}'; # => 1;
SELECT 'WORD' REGEXP '[[:lower:]]{4}'; # => 0
work right only when collate is _cs and NOT _ci (case insensitive)

created tables eg. the collate 'latin1_swedish_ci' have to be changed, if you want to use case sensitive REGEXPs like [[:upper:]] or [[:lower:]]!
ALTER TABLE <name> CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin_general_cs 

I set in my.cnf now:
default-collation= latin1_general_cs

#default was latin1_swedish_ci


Posted by Koy Kragh on March 4 2006 7:33pm [Delete] [Edit]

The above post by Guido Dieterich (about collation and case sensitivity) is a good point. However, there is a way to match in a case-sensitive manner without having to change the collation of your existing tables: use the "BINARY" keyword.

Here's an extended example (based on the one previously posted):

('WORD' REGEXP '[[:upper:]]{4}') AS `upper_match`, # this will be a 1
('WORD' REGEXP '[[:lower:]]{4}') AS `lower_match`, # this will be a 1 on an "*_ci" collation
# -BINARY- matches below
(BINARY 'WORD' REGEXP '[[:upper:]]{4}') AS `bin_upper_match`, # this will be a 1
(BINARY 'WORD' REGEXP '[[:lower:]]{4}') AS `bin_lower_match` # this will be a 0 even on an "*_ci" collation

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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