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hi all..

i am so beginner in php,,i use php with mysql.. i want to do the map for branches of supermarket ,,so when i put the mouse in city it the city turn red then when i click the city another page open with the name of my branches  of the supermarket whit the street of each of the branches is...


i am wondering if i should use photoshop for the map to color each city with red so that if i have 8 branches in the country i will need 8 maps addtional to the orginal one???


and what`s the code 4 my q?? and i need tips in what each code does..

sorry 4 bothering u all >>>it `s just one of my dream is to be good at php ,, i am sick of hoping that i am at it

i want to be good at it not just hoping

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This has very little to do with PHP, as most of what you want to happen is client-side.


If you plan on adding more stores later, then using PHP along with the Google Maps API is probably your best bet.


If you plan on having the 8 stores static, then why not just use an image editor, HTML image maps, and JavaScript to do what you want?

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first of all thanks for ur replay ..and thank u so much for trying to understant my english coz i know it`s sucks..


any way ,,,about ur answer...conceding stores  r static ,,can i use html and php coz i have no idea about javascript..

and if yes whats the steps


drow the maps in photoshop with coloring each city in each map with the red  color,,means that the first map only city 1 is red and so on...


and what to do in php..???

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As xyph mentioned, you'll probably want to use image maps. Just google for HTML image maps, and there are more than sufficient resources to get you started.


As for the city turning red, I don't believe it's possible without javascript or any other client-side scripting. You might be able to pull it off with CSS but that might get very tricky.


For the PHP portion, you will want to link each <AREA> to a specific city name. Possibly something like: <area href="stores.php?city=CityA">, <area href="stores.php?city=CityB">. And then, within stores.php, you will just need to retrieve the stores within the city $_GET['city'].

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