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Hi, I'm developing a php newsletter software but I'm in trouble with bounce mails! I set a return path directing them into a specific email box then I read that email box with php and I process bounce mails to get the kind of problem.

Well, I need to get some informations about those bounce emails: The name of the user that should recive that mail, the date when the mail has been sent, the kind of error encountered; It could be so easy if I could read the body of the mail I sent into the back bounce one but every server sends a different kind of bounce...for example mailer-daemon won't let me get the body of the sent message...how can I handle this?



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If your mail software allows it, you can encode the recipient's email address in the return address.  Then when the bounce arrives you know where it was sent because if the address it was returned to.  The encoding can be a mapping of ids stored in a database, for example.

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Mhhhh... I think I don't understand...

With this php mailing list software I'll send many email campaigns, so it could be that an adress would recieve a mail a couple of times daily then I'd like to recive in the bounce mail account (if that adress is wrong) the id of the email champaign, in this way I'll be able to store in a database the right statistics, but the problem is that I don't know how to do if many servers send back mails without the initial mail body :(

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