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Alright.. I guess to start this off I am looking to sometime in the near future start building a web based or browser based application that I want to build a part of the interface to be a gps module. this will be for a self hosted application likely on tablets or laptops where it will use the data for tracking information amongst other things. Any way most of the application is being handled in PHP, mySQL, jQuery. So with that my question is, is there any way to build a gps application with that as the core languages used. If it is possible, whats the best gps unit I can use? remember im not nessisarily looking for a fancy gps unit to do this with.. just a transmitter/reciever is fine so long as I can build software of my own around it, also is it actually possible to do this with something like php/jquery? or is this something I would have to go the route of maybe java to handle the hardware transactions of which I can tie php/jquery into that..

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i think it will mostly depend on how friendly the GPS device is to your needs... this wordpress (php) plugin may give you some insight as far as connectivity to Garmin:




Garmins can be pretty cheap sometimes... especially around black Friday. 70 w/ 1 yr maps, 99 for lifetime maps.

Garmin, TomTom, and other GPS units are an option. However the overall need isn't cost effective, as the current design spec of the hardware I will be working around will have the GPS unit/transmitter/receiver whatever.. Built into a larger box. Where the physical GPS unit would either have an antenna that leads to the outside of the vehicle its in or be mounted outside of it somehow all around running back to the box. So its currently a search for cost effective yet efficient units that dump data in a way where someone can work around that output and then use that data to track milage, times in transit, speed, etc.. however maybe "dumping data" may be a poor means of saying it.. maybe something like if I ping the unit it sends some form of data to work with somewhere be it an xml file, db file, text, whatever.. where I can also use the same data for google maps api or similar.. This again is also projected to be built into a box that has its own built in wamp/lamp stack (that part is undecided) but none the less still self serving system.. it would be nice to find a GPS i can do that with but even nicer to find one that i can track remotely when the box isn't connected via wifi or something dummping the data it stores to a master remote system.

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