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sorry there is so much code, but how can I make it so that the flash upload piece of this will be able to send variables, such as file name, to upload-file.php.....so that things can go into my database.  does this make sense?  if you need a working example, tell me and I will send you a PM with the address (don't want too many people knowing where this happens at......


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Multiple File Upload With Progress Bar - Web Developer Plus Demos</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfupload/swfupload.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.swfupload.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

	upload_url: "upload-file.php",
	file_post_name: 'uploadfile',
	file_size_limit : "9000000000000000000000000000",
	file_types : "*",
	file_types_description : "Image files",
	file_upload_limit : 1000,
	flash_url : "js/swfupload/swfupload.swf",
	button_image_url : 'js/swfupload/wdp_buttons_upload_114x29.png',
	button_width : 114,
	button_height : 29,
	button_placeholder : $('#button')[0],
	debug: false
	.bind('fileQueued', function(event, file){
		var listitem='<li id="'+file.id+'" >'+
			'File: <em>'+file.name+'</em> ('+Math.round(file.size/1024)+' KB) <span class="progressvalue" ></span>'+
			'<div class="progressbar" ><div class="progress" ></div></div>'+
			'<p class="status" >Pending</p>'+
			'<span class="cancel" > </span>'+
		$('li#'+file.id+' .cancel').bind('click', function(){
			var swfu = $.swfupload.getInstance('#swfupload-control');
		// start the upload since it's queued
	.bind('fileQueueError', function(event, file, errorCode, message){
		alert('Size of the file '+file.name+' is greater than limit');
	.bind('fileDialogComplete', function(event, numFilesSelected, numFilesQueued){
		$('#queuestatus').text('Files Selected: '+numFilesSelected+' / Queued Files: '+numFilesQueued);
	.bind('uploadStart', function(event, file){
		$('#log li#'+file.id).find('p.status').text('Uploading...');
		$('#log li#'+file.id).find('span.progressvalue').text('0%');
		$('#log li#'+file.id).find('span.cancel').hide();
	.bind('uploadProgress', function(event, file, bytesLoaded){
		//Show Progress
		var percentage=Math.round((bytesLoaded/file.size)*100);
		$('#log li#'+file.id).find('div.progress').css('width', percentage+'%');
		$('#log li#'+file.id).find('span.progressvalue').text(percentage+'%');
	.bind('uploadSuccess', function(event, file, serverData){
		var item=$('#log li#'+file.id);
		item.find('div.progress').css('width', '100%');
		var pathtofile='<a href="uploads/'+file.name+'" target="_blank" >view »</a>';
		item.addClass('success').find('p.status').html('Done!!! | '+pathtofile);
	.bind('uploadComplete', function(event, file){
		// upload has completed, try the next one in the queue


<style type="text/css" >
#swfupload-control p{ margin:10px 5px; font-size:0.9em; }
#log{ margin:0; padding:0; width:500px;}
#log li{ list-style-position:inside; margin:2px; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:10px; font-size:12px; 
font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#333; background:#fff; position:relative;}
#log li .progressbar{ border:1px solid #333; height:5px; background:#fff; }
#log li .progress{ background:#999; width:0%; height:5px; }
#log li p{ margin:0; line-height:18px; }
#log li.success{ border:1px solid #339933; background:#ccf9b9; }
#log li span.cancel{ position:absolute; top:5px; right:5px; width:20px; height:20px; 
background:url('js/swfupload/cancel.png') no-repeat; cursor:pointer; }

<h3>» Multiple File Upload With Progress Bar</h3>

<div id="swfupload-control">
<p> </p>
<input type="button" id="button" />
<p id="queuestatus" ></p>
<ol id="log"></ol>


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and here is upload-file.php


include_once "secure/connect_to_mysql.php";

$uploaddir = 'images/'; 
$file = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); 
echo "error file size > 1 MB";
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $file)) { 
  echo "success"; 
} else {
echo "error ".$_FILES['uploadfile']['error']." --- ".$_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name']." %%% ".$file."($size)";

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sorry, so i need to change

var pathtofile='<a href="images/'+file.name+'" target="_blank" >view »</a>';

into a php variable that can be submitted......all though this will need to be an array.  or maybe a better way is to say that I want to take each file name and submit it to the database, only thing is that the files upload directly to the server after the upload is complete.  I am going to take the file path and put it in a slideshow, but I need to make it so that the file path, the code I posted above, will be in the database.  does this make more sense?????

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one more thing(I think)....how can I add a field called eventname so that for each file that is submitted to the database with the code drummin gave me, so that each picture uploaded in the page load will all have the same event name.........does this make sense.  so basically I want the eventname to post at the same time the file piece posted........the problem I am running into is not using a submit button.....

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is there a way to make $id the same for all entries based from this code?

include_once "secure/connect_to_mysql.php";
function genRandomString($length = 20) {
     $characters = '0123456789';
     $string ='';    

    for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++) {
         $string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters))];

    return $string;

$uploaddir = 'images/';
$id= genRandomString();
$file = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); 
echo "error file size > 1 MB";
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $file)) { 
  echo "success"; 
} else {
echo "error ".$_FILES['uploadfile']['error']." --- ".$_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name']." %%% ".$file."($size)";
$sql = "INSERT INTO pictures(image, id) 
	VALUES('$file', '$id')";
$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Problem with the query: $sql<br>" . mysql_error());
	echo mysql_error();


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how can I make a hidden form field inside this code with a value of genRandomString()?


.bind('fileQueued', function(event, file){
		var listitem='<li id="'+file.id+'" >'+
			'File: <em>'+file.name+'</em> ('+Math.round(file.size/1024)+' KB) <span class="progressvalue" ></span>'+
			'<div class="progressbar" ><div class="progress" ></div></div>'+
			'<p class="status" >Pending</p>'+
			'<span class="cancel" > </span>'+

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