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if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
   echo "<a href='schedule.php'>Request A Skype Session</a>";


works great for someone that islogged in my htpasswd, however, I would like to hide


<a href="/members/index.php">Login</a>

if they are logged in, how do i go about doing the opposite of the first code i linked...sorry if it sounds complicated

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Try this:

if(!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
   echo "<a href='schedule.php'>Request A Skype Session</a>";

that is the same exact one i have and that works great but i would like to hide that second code box if they are logged in, that is only hiding the link if THEY arent logged in

if(!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
   echo "<a href=\"/members/index.php\">Login</a>";
echo "";


I wasn't giving you the exact code. Just backslash the quotes like I did.


ALL star bro, I have been everywhere and NO ONE could help me with it like you just did, phenominal man, you are all star

Yup. The backslashes are basically just "skipping" over the quotations marks since you need those whenever you pull <a href="hello.php">


But you could just do this:


echo "<a href='hello.php'>Hello</a>";


I just find it easier to escape them. (:

And thanks!

Yup. The backslashes are basically just "skipping" over the quotations marks since you need those whenever you pull <a href="hello.php">


But you could just do this:


echo "<a href='hello.php'>Hello</a>";


I just find it easier to escape them. (:

And thanks!

lol ok so sorry ABOUT the bombardment but what about adding a target new to this


if(!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
   echo "<a href=\"whatever.php\">Register</a>";
else {
echo "";

i tried just adding a target="_new" to it with nO luck, sorry but im so new to php its all baffling me

Why are you trying to add a target field? What is the purpose for it?

And no problem! (: I was in your spot when I first started too.

well its for an adult site :) and basically the register brings you to another page that you can fill out your information, OR i can use a rel and have it open in an overlay of the webpage which is what i was doing from the front line, for instance one of the links is this




and im confused how to add that into the backslashed links

I'm still confused on what you are wanting.

To backslash this link.. although I don't understand how it's a link since it's not a web page:



ok basically the link right now, the register one that shows when they are NOT logged in opens on the top of the current page, I want it to open in a new window, thats all lol

also i have one more question, i have a .me and .com linked to the same directory, basically showing the same page, the only difference is the actual URL, now here is the tricky question, when using your methods that are pristine, work great on the .me but ARE not working on the .com, almost like the cache on the server is not as clean as the .me, is this natural?

Can you show them to me?


And to open a new window, you would want:

target="_blank" when they click on the link.


So it would be:

echo "<a href=\"home.php\" target=\"blank\">Home</a>";

yeah i just used the ' instead of the " and that fixed the issues as far as me showing them to you, can i link adult sites here or do i have to message them to you
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