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Hello guys!


I tried a lot but it didn't work... I'm working on an OOP project using PHP, and I'm stuck with kinda weird thing...


I have a class called Blocks works on defining the main menu and the blocks so I have made to functions the first one was for the main menu itself and the other one was for defining the blocks on right and left...


The thing is when I call the main menu in the other function which is "block" it gives me this fatal error:


Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in D:\wamp\www\webtechTemplate\classes\blocks.php on line 39


I tried to use "self::MainMenu" and "$this->MainMenu" and "Blocks::MainMenu" and so on, but all those tries were unsuccessful :(

and when I erase the calling the error disappears..


some help please :'(


here is the whole code:



$filename = explode("/",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
in_array("index.php", $filename) ? : die("You can't enter the page like this");//not to access the page directly

class Blocks{

var $menu= array(//defining menu items

function block($dir, $menu1 = Null){// blocks list, they will be included from the database (they can be included from files as well)

    $mainMenu= self::MainMenu();
    if($menu1 == Null){
        echo "left";
        echo "right";
    }else if($menu1=="menu"){
        echo "left";
        echo "right";



function MainMenu(){//menu defining
$menu = "<ul>";
    foreach($this->menu as $PageName => $pageLink){
$menu .= "<li><a href=\"$pageLink\">$PageName</a></li>";
$menu .= "</ul>";

return $menu;


}// class end



that doesn't really answer your question...



But I think you are looking at the wrong place where your getting the error, because when I copy that code it is in the class. are you using $this outside of the class somewhere accidentally?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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