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Ok what I am looking to do is edit some php and allow the "read more" link when clicked to load the article page and jump down to where the article is listed almost like an anchor...I don't want my users scrolling. I am working with Joomla 1.6 and trying to edit the News Show Pro GK4 1.6 module. Below is the file that I believe I need to edit. I am unsure if has to do with editing a jroute to the read more link. IF someone can please take a look and maybe help me that would be greatly appreciated.




* Layout parts class

* @package News Show Pro GK4

* @Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Gavick.com

* @ All rights reserved

* @ Joomla! is Free Software

* @ Released under GNU/GPL License : http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

* @version $Revision: GK4 1.0 $


// no direct access

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

class NSP_GK4_Layout_Parts {

// header generator

function header($config, $news_id, $news_cid, $news_title) {

	if($config['news_content_header_pos'] != 'disabled') {

		$class = ' t'.$config['news_content_header_pos'].' f'.$config['news_content_header_float'];

		$title = NSP_GK4_Utils::cutText($news_title, $config['title_limit'], $config['title_limit_type'], '…');

		$title = str_replace('"', """, $title);

            $link = ($news_id !== 0) ? JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($news_id, $news_cid)) : JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=login');


		if($config['news_header_link'] == 1)

			return '<h4 class="nspHeader'.$class.'"><a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$news_title.'">'.$title.'</a></h4>';	


			return '<h4 class="nspHeader'.$class.'" title="'.$news_title.'">'.$title.'</h4>';

	} else

		return '';		


// article text generator

function text($config, $news_id, $news_cid, $news_text, $news_readmore)


	if($config['news_content_text_pos'] != 'disabled') {

		if($config['clean_xhtml'] == 1) $news_text = strip_tags($news_text);

		$news_text = NSP_GK4_Utils::cutText($news_text, $config['news_limit'], $config['news_limit_type'], $config['more_text_value']);

		$link = ($news_id !== 0) ? JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($news_id, $news_cid)) : JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=login');


		$news_text = ($config['news_text_link'] == 1) ? '<a href="'.$link.'">'.$news_text.'</a>' : $news_text; 

		$class = ' t'.$config['news_content_text_pos'].' f'.$config['news_content_text_float'];


		if($config['news_content_readmore_pos'] == 'after') 

			return '<p class="nspText'.$class.'">'.$news_text.' '.$news_readmore.'</p>';


			return '<p class="nspText'.$class.'">'.$news_text.'</p>';



// article image generator

function image($config, $uri, $news_id, $news_iid, $news_cid, $news_text, $news_title){		

	$news_title = str_replace('"', """, $news_title);

        $IMG_SOURCE = '';

	$IMG_LINK = ($news_id !== 0) ? JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($news_id, $news_cid)) : JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=login');	


		$imgStartPos = JString::strpos($news_text, 'src="');

		if($imgStartPos)  $imgEndPos = JString::strpos($news_text, '"', $imgStartPos + 5);	

		if($imgStartPos > 0) $IMG_SOURCE = JString::substr($news_text, ($imgStartPos + 5), ($imgEndPos - ($imgStartPos + 5)));



	if($config['create_thumbs'] == 1 && $IMG_SOURCE != ''){

		// try to override standard image

		if(strpos($IMG_SOURCE,'http://') == FALSE) {

			if(NSP_GK4_Thumbs::createThumbnail($IMG_SOURCE, $config) !== FALSE) {

				$uri = JURI::getInstance();

				$IMG_SOURCE = $uri->root().'modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/'.NSP_GK4_Thumbs::translateName($IMG_SOURCE,$config['module_id']);

			} elseif($config['create_thumbs'] == 1) {


				if(is_file(JPATH_ROOT.DS.'modules'.DS.'mod_news_pro_gk4'.DS.'cache'.DS.'default'.DS.'default'.$config['module_id'].'.png')) {

					$IMG_SOURCE = $uri->root().'modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/default/default'.$config['module_id'].'.png';			


			} else

				$IMG_SOURCE = '';


	} elseif($config['create_thumbs'] == 1) {


		if(is_file(JPATH_ROOT.DS.'modules'.DS.'mod_news_pro_gk4'.DS.'cache'.DS.'default'.DS.'default'.$config['module_id'].'.png')) {

			$IMG_SOURCE = $uri->root().'modules/mod_news_pro_gk4/cache/default/default'.$config['module_id'].'.png';			




	if($IMG_SOURCE != '' && $config['news_content_image_pos'] != 'disabled') {

		$class = ' t'.$config['news_content_image_pos'].' f'.$config['news_content_image_float']; 

		$size = '';


		if($config['img_width'] != 0 && !$config['img_keep_aspect_ratio']) $size .= 'width:'.$config['img_width'].'px;';

		if($config['img_height'] != 0 && !$config['img_keep_aspect_ratio']) $size .= 'height:'.$config['img_height'].'px;';

		if($config['img_margin'] != '') $size .= 'margin:'.$config['img_margin'].';';


		if($config['news_image_link'] == 1) {

			return ($config['news_content_image_pos'] == 'center') ? '<div class="center"><a href="'.$IMG_LINK.'"><img class="nspImage'.$class.'" src="'.$IMG_SOURCE.'" alt="'.$news_title.'" style="'.$size.'"  /></a></div>' : '<a href="'.$IMG_LINK.'"><img class="nspImage'.$class.'" src="'.$IMG_SOURCE.'" alt="'.$news_title.'" style="'.$size.'"  /></a>';

		} else {

			return ($config['news_content_image_pos'] == 'center') ? '<div class="center"><img class="nspImage'.$class.'" src="'.$IMG_SOURCE.'" alt="'.$news_title.'" '.$size.' /></div>' : '<img class="nspImage'.$class.'" src="'.$IMG_SOURCE.'" alt="'.$news_title.'" style="'.$size.'" />';


	} else

		return '';


// ReadMore button generator

function readMore($config, $news_id, $news_cid) {


	if($config['news_content_readmore_pos'] != 'disabled') {

		$class = ' f'.$config['news_content_readmore_pos'];

		$link = ($news_id !== 0) ? JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($news_id, $news_cid)) : JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=login'); 


		if($config['news_content_readmore_pos'] == 'after') {

			return '<a class="readon inline" href="'.$link.'">'.JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK4_NSP_READMORE').'</a>';

		} else {

			return '<a class="readon '.$class.'" href="'.$link.'">'.JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK4_NSP_READMORE').'</a>';


	} else

		return '';


// article information generator

function info($config, $news_catname, $news_cid, $news_author, $news_author_email, $news_date, $news_hits, $news_id, $rating_count, $rating_sum, $num = 1) {


	$news_info = '';


	if($num == 1){

		if($config['news_content_info_pos'] != 'disabled') {

			$class = ' t'.$config['news_content_info_pos'].' f'.$config['news_content_info_float'];	



		if($config['news_content_info2_pos'] != 'disabled') {

			$class = ' t'.$config['news_content_info2_pos'].' f'.$config['news_content_info2_float'];




	if(($config['news_content_info_pos'] != 'disabled' && $num == 1) || ($config['news_content_info2_pos'] != 'disabled' && $num == 2)) {

            $news_info = '<p class="nspInfo '.$class.'">'.$config['info'.(($num == 2) ? '2' : '').'_format'].'</p>';


            $info_category = ($config['category_link'] == 1) ? '<a href="'.(($news_id !== 0) ? JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($news_cid)) : JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=login')).'" >'.$news_catname.'</a>' : $news_catname;

            $info_author = ($config['user_avatar'] == 1) ? '<span><img src="'. NSP_GK4_Utils::avatarURL($news_author_email, $config['avatar_size']).'" alt="'.$news_author.' - avatar" class="nspAvatar" width="'.$config['avatar_size'].'" height="'.$config['avatar_size'].'" /> '.$news_author.'</span>' : $news_author;

            $info_date = JHTML::_('date', $news_date, $config['date_format']);			

            $info_hits = JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK4_NHITS').$news_hits;

            $info_rate = ($rating_count > 0) ? '<span class="nspRate">' . JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK4_NSP_RATE') .' '. number_format($rating_sum / $rating_count, 2) . '</span>': '';


            $news_info = str_replace('%AUTHOR', $info_author, $news_info);

            $news_info = str_replace('%DATE', $info_date, $news_info);

            $news_info = str_replace('%HITS', $info_hits, $news_info);

            $news_info = str_replace('%CATEGORY', $info_category, $news_info);

            $news_info = str_replace('%RATE', $info_rate, $news_info);



	return $news_info;		


// rest link list generator	

function lists($config, $news_id, $news_cid, $news_title, $news_text, $odd, $num) {

	if($config['news_short_pages'] > 0) {

            $text = '';

            if($config['show_list_description']) {

                $text = NSP_GK4_Utils::cutText(strip_tags(preg_replace("/\{.+?\}/", "", $news_text)), $config['list_text_limit'], $config['list_text_limit_type'], '…');

                $text =  preg_replace("/\{.+?\}/", "", $text);


		if(JString::strlen($text) > 0) $text = '<p>'.$text.'</p>';

		$title = $news_title;

		$title = NSP_GK4_Utils::cutText($title, $config['list_title_limit'], $config['list_title_limit_type'], '…');

		$title = str_replace('"', """, $title);

		$link = ($news_id !== 0) ? JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($news_id, $news_cid)) : JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=login');

		if(JString::strlen($title) > 0) $title = '<h4><a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$news_title.'">'.$title.'</a></h4>';

		// creating rest news list

		return '<li class="'.(($odd == 1) ? 'odd' : 'even').(($num >= $config['links_amount']) ? ' unvisible' : '').'">'.$title.$text.'</li>';	





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