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HI all.


I've passed entire days searching on internet and trying to find a solution on myself, but with no success.


So now i'm here to ask for your help.


I have a simple search form with a text field (city)and 4 checkboxes (club, school, shop, tour). THey are all also  fields of a database .


A user inserts a city and then he/she checks one or more checkboxes to search for what h/she wants.


I cannot figure out how to build a select statement to solve this problem. I've combined several AND / OR statements but nothing.


I want to specify that for th checkboxes i have created 4 different fields in the database. Is this ok? Or should i have to create just one text field and use the IMPLODE function to store and EXPLODE to retrieve data?


Hope i've been clear.



Thanks in advance for you help.



this is not the best way to do it, but it will serve nicely as an example. note $started and how it's used to figure out if we need to insert the word 'AND' in the statement.


$keyword = '%'.$_POST['city'].'%';
$query = "select * from `database` where";
if(isset($_POST['club']) && $_POST['club'] != ''){
$query .= " `club` like '$keyword'";
$started = 'yes';
if(isset($_POST['school']) && $_POST['school'] != ''){
if(isset($started) && $started == 'yes') $query .= ' and';
$query .= " `school` like '$keyword'";
$started = 'yes';
if(isset($_POST['shop']) && $_POST['shop'] != ''){
if(isset($started) && $started == 'yes') $query .= ' and';
$query .= " `shop` like '$keyword'";
$started = 'yes';
if(isset($_POST['tour']) && $_POST['tour'] != ''){
if(isset($started) && $started == 'yes') $query .= ' and';
$query .= " `tour` like '$keyword'";


hope this helps

this is not the best way to do it, but it will serve nicely as an example. note $started and how it's used to figure out if we need to insert the word 'AND' in the statement.


$keyword = '%'.$_POST['city'].'%';
$query = "select * from `database` where";
if(isset($_POST['club']) && $_POST['club'] != ''){
$query .= " `club` like '$keyword'";
$started = 'yes';
if(isset($_POST['school']) && $_POST['school'] != ''){
if(isset($started) && $started == 'yes') $query .= ' and';
$query .= " `school` like '$keyword'";
$started = 'yes';
if(isset($_POST['shop']) && $_POST['shop'] != ''){
if(isset($started) && $started == 'yes') $query .= ' and';
$query .= " `shop` like '$keyword'";
$started = 'yes';
if(isset($_POST['tour']) && $_POST['tour'] != ''){
if(isset($started) && $started == 'yes') $query .= ' and';
$query .= " `tour` like '$keyword'";


hope this helps


Than you Webstyles.


Unlunckly i don't think this is what i'm searching for.


Probably my question wasn't very clear.


I try again.


Every record in the database, among the other, has a city and club, school, tour, shop fields. Club, school, tour and shop are TINYINT (1). During registration the sailing club (that's the project) can check 1 or all the checkboxes. So for every sailing club  in the database i can have a  1 (if checkbox is checked) and 0 if not.


As a common user let's say i want to find all the club and schools in Marseille. So i insert Marseille in the city search field and check club and school checkboxes.


What i expect as a result  is obviuos.


It seems that in your code the LIKE is used to compare tour, club, school just with the city name.

If I understand what you are saying, your database looks like this:


| ID      |  TITLE                | CITY                        | SCHOOL | CLUB | TOUR | SHOP |

| 1        | My Club              | MyCity                      | 0            | 1      | 0        | 1        |


And you want to search for this with the checkboxes.

So your form variables look like this:

$_POST['school'] = 0;

$_POST['club'] = 1;

$_POST['tour'] = 0;

$_POST['shop'] = 1;


Your query should work like this:

if ($_POST['school']==1) {
   $addOn[]="`SCHOOL` = 1";
if ($_POST['club']==1) {
   $addOn[]="`CLUB` = 1";
if ($_POST['tour']==1) {
   $addOn="`TOUR` = 1";
if ($_POST['shop']==1) {
   $addOn="`SHOP` = 1";

$addString=implode("AND", $addOn);
$sql="SELECT FROM myTABLE WHERE ".$addString;

I wouldn't do it like this, personally. I would design my database a bit differently.

If I understand what you are saying, your database looks like this:


| ID      |  TITLE                | CITY                        | SCHOOL | CLUB | TOUR | SHOP |

| 1        | My Club              | MyCity                      | 0            | 1      | 0        | 1        |


And you want to search for this with the checkboxes.

So your form variables look like this:

$_POST['school'] = 0;

$_POST['club'] = 1;

$_POST['tour'] = 0;

$_POST['shop'] = 1;


Your query should work like this:

if ($_POST['school']==1) {
   $addOn[]="`SCHOOL` = 1";
if ($_POST['club']==1) {
   $addOn[]="`CLUB` = 1";
if ($_POST['tour']==1) {
   $addOn="`TOUR` = 1";
if ($_POST['shop']==1) {
   $addOn="`SHOP` = 1";

$addString=implode("AND", $addOn);
$sql="SELECT FROM myTABLE WHERE ".$addString;

I wouldn't do it like this, personally. I would design my database a bit differently.


Thanks Teynon.


Even in your select statement i don't see the city.


The user first insert  a city and then checks the checkboxes.


So the final result should be similar to this:


SELECT from myTable where city = $city and the checkboxes checked here.


But i don't know how to do it.


Also. you say you desgin the database a little differently. Do you mean you would create a separate table for the checkboxes and then create a relation with the sailing centers table?


Thanks again.


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