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Not sure this is the direction I want to take per say with what I have in mind. Currently I have about 25 domains being redirected towards my main domain. What I have for those domains is a simple setup where I just plugged a simple single line php based header location style redirect. so if you go to domain5.com it will redirect and go to domain.com I set it up this way as I do have plans for these domains one day but not at the moment and rather than have them sitting there doing nothing I figured might as well just point them somewhere for now. With that I want to try and keep a hit count on which domain is bringing in traffic (if any) nothing fancy. I figured i'd do something as simple as grab the URL from the referencing domain. check it against a database table and if that domains in my table then +1 on the hits.


My problem is however I try


and I get "Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER" as an error. Then after a little reading about it I find HTTP_REFERER isn't a definitive solution as its user agent based so if the user agent doesnt set it then I don't get it.


So in all I guess is whats the best way to approach finding what domain is coming to my main domain. I also want to use this with google, yahoo, bing and other systems of the like to see if I am getting any hits from them either. Would be nice to see what the keywords are to but im not gonna push my luck at the moment, currently I just want what .com, net, org, other is coming to my site thats it more is a plus but not going to whine if i dont get that right now.


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