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For example

<img src="http://www.vesti-online.com/data/images/2011-06-05/156013_sampioni_kf.jpg?ver=1307647416"><br/>Upravo zavrÅ¡ena klupska sezona obeležena je potpunom dominacijom Partizana, s obzirom da su sekcije naÅ¡eg najbrojnijeg sportskog druÅ¡tva osvojile Äak 11 pehara u pet najpopularnijih kolektivnih sportova.<br/><br/>


this is part of som news article wich i have in my database in tabele.


How i can to separete imege url from rest part of text in 2 diferent variable


$image_url = " url image value from item";

$text = "rest of text value";


in this example final resolt wil be


$image_url = "http://www.vesti-online.com/data/images/2011-06-05/156013_sampioni_kf.jpg";

$text = "Upravo zavrÅ¡ena klupska sezona obeležena je potpunom dominacijom Partizana, s obzirom da su sekcije naÅ¡eg najbrojnijeg sportskog druÅ¡tva osvojile Äak 11 pehara u pet najpopularnijih kolektivnih sportova.";




You'll find that there are various ways to do this. To isolate the URL, I am going to use a function called preg_match() which uses a regular expression to match substrings to a pattern.

$pattern = '/\"(.?)\"/';
preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches)

Where $subject will be the string with your img tag.

To find the text after the URL, we will be doing the same thing, simply changing the search pattern a bit.

$pattern = '/<br\/>(.?)<br\/>/i';

Simply use that pattern in the preg_replace() to find the  string of text. $matches[0] will be the result that you want

$podaci = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rss_vesti") or die(mysql_error());

		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $podaci ))
				$naslov = $row['NASLOV'];
				$sadrzaj = $row['SADRZAJ'];
				$izvor = $row['IZVOR'];
				$datum = $row['DATUM'];



				preg_match_all('/<ul>(.*?)<\/ul>/i', $sadrzaj, $matches);
				echo $matches[0][0]; ?>




i hava emty screen, no resolts?


But, in your original code, resolt egsisting.

yes, make the variable the src of your images, do not wrap it in single quotes, if you dont want to do it that way, you can use str_replace() on the matches of the pre_match() code that i gave you earlier, like so

$matches = str_replace($matches, '"', '');

$podaci = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rss_vesti") or die(mysql_error());

		while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $podaci ))
				$naslov = $row['NASLOV'];
				$sadrzaj = $row['SADRZAJ'];
				$izvor = $row['IZVOR'];
				$datum = $row['DATUM'];


					$garbage = 'just some bs <ul><li>text</li><li>text</li><li>text</li></ul>just some more bs';
					$test = preg_match_all('/\"(.*?)\"/', $sadrzaj, $matches);
					echo $matches[0][0];
					$slika = str_replace($matches, '"', '');
					echo $slika;
					echo "<img src='$slika' alt='' height='100' width='100'/>";





This code i use in this moment


resolt can be check it in http://www.moravaprom.com/ebchost/prikaz.php adres

					$garbage = 'just some bs <ul><li>text</li><li>text</li><li>text</li></ul>just some more bs';
					$test = preg_match_all('/\"(.*?)\"/', $sadrzaj, $matches);
					echo $matches[0][0];
					$slika = str_replace($matches[0][0], '"', ''); //need to add distinct positioning
					echo $slika;
					echo "<img src='$slika' alt='' height='100' width='100'/>";


i think we (i) need update for this problem


How to correct this (upgrade)?


for some image, i have url value like this


$image = "width: 180px; float: right; margin:3px; text-align:center;"


you can check it hiar: http://moravaprom.com/ebchost/index.php

(as you can see, i make progres in my work, but i still have litle off beginig problem)


thanks in forvard :)

Can you pinpoint your problem for us please


this is code for echo rss value


$items = $rss_link->channel->item;

				foreach($items as $item)
						$title 			= $item->title;
						echo "<h2>LOGO:</h2>$title</br>";
						$link 			= $item->link;
						echo "<h2>LINK :</h2>$link</br>";
						$published_on 		= $item->pubDate;
						echo "<h2>Published_on:</h2> $published_on</br>";

						$description 		= $item->description;
						$descritpion_strip	= strip_tags($description);
						$description_trim 	= trim($descritpion_strip);
						echo "<h2>description_trim:</h2> $description_trim</br><hr>";

						$image_object = preg_match_all('/\"(.*?)\"/', $description, $matches);
						$image = str_replace( '"','',$matches[0][0]);



this part of code colecting url of image

$image_object = preg_match_all('/\"(.*?)\"/', $description, $matches);
$image = str_replace( '"','',$matches[0][0]);


and sometimes, show bad value

for example:

$image = "width: 180px; float: right; margin:3px; text-align:center;"


How can I avoid this and get the correct value image url?



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