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dear all


Pls help me to upload video files of size more than 40 MB


I noticed that for this we need to change values in php.ini or .htaccess file


Many hosting companies do that allow to change these values


pls help me to get web hosting company who will allow to change these parameters (i dont mind taking up reseller p[lan)


and parameters we need to change 


Thanks you in advance



Many, many reasons.


For one, the hosting interface is horrid. It's riddled with AJAX, multiple links that go to the same place, etc. It looks more like a Norton screen than a web host control panel. Then, for some reason, when you actually get into your hosting panel, the interface changes completely.


Support is useless. Did you know that to create a custom PHP.ini file for an account using PHP 5, you have to name it php5.ini? Support didn't know that :/ I had to google it, found it on a blog.


On top of that, you get more features for less money.


I've dealt with GoDaddy enough. When I take over administration of a website that's on GoDaddy, I move the second the hosting plan is up. There have been times where I've just moved, and let the plan expire.

I have dealt with several hosts before with support issues etc. From what I have dealt with godaddy, I have not had these issues, however I do agree with you with the interface issues, I was not aware that you must name the file php5.ini since the last time I worked for someone that used godaddy, I did not have to do this. Thank you for sharing your personal experience to better inform the op. I also dj agree with your other choices of hosts. Dreamhost being my favorite

Can i state here that


I appreciates the views exchanged


from solution point of view


customization of php.ini (php5.ini  in case of PHP5    as per fugix  thanks for this valued information)

and .htaccess is a must

You have to watch out. If PHP is running as CGI, then using any php_flag lines in the .htaccess file could and should return an internal server error (500). Instead, you need to use the custom php.ini file, and need to check if your host supports this, and any finicky other issues your host may have.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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