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I am trying to use "http_post_data" command inside my code. I have downloaded required package from http://pecl.php.net/package/pecl_http link and placed "pecl_http-2.0.0dev1" folder into inetpub of my local webserver.

What I do not know is how to install it? All documentations that I read are very complicated and I can not install PECL.


Please, help me.

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If you can't install pecl thne a pecl package isn't going to be of help to you.  Extensions by their nature require a php install that is configured to allow for their use.  Why can't you install pear/pecl?  Without them you'll need to compile php.

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do you have shell access?


whatever the extension is, you shouldn't need to download the source manually unless you're going to compile php with it..


just use: pecl install <extension name>


if you do not have the pecl command you may need to update pear


use: pear update PEAR


if you're on shared hosting you PROBABLY don't have shell access, so it should be easy enough to contact your provider and put in a ticket for them to install the extension.


if you're doing this on your home computer, and it is windows, you simply need to drop the .dll in the extensions folder, and add the extension line to the php.ini file..


I'm not sure how to do it for any other OS besides windows for home use, as I only run Windows.


I hope I helped.

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RussellReal as I see you have an experience in installing extensions. I need to install this extension both on local Windows 7 PC and on my hosting. I will put a ticket to hosting admins to install this extension.


pecl install <extension name> command I have seen in documentation also. But I do not know where exactly to write it? When I open command prompt and write this command I just receive error message that unrecognised command.

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I do not know what is  XAMPP or WAMP.


Doesn't matter the comment is still valid in order to install PEAR download go-pear.phar from the php.net website. Place it into your PEAR directory. You can find PEAR in the same directory as php.exe (if not, create it). Open the CLI through pressing Start and typing cmd then hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, in the next dialog, select Yes.


Navigate to your PEAR directory in the CLI and type php go-pear.phar (if php is not installed in C:\php then you may want to adjust the paths when it asks you if they are correct).

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