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How to stop code for add new record in this situation if i have "test" categories alredy in table "categoryes" wen i want to ad new category with name "test".


file: add_category.php

(note: this file include_once("init.php"); for connection with database, who include_once "blog.php"; with function add_category and category_exist,

if ($submit)
					$error = "Naziv kateogrije ne moze biti duzi od 24 karaktera";
					if (category_exist($name))
							$error = "Kategorija postoji";						
							$upisano = "kategorija: $name je uspesno upisana u bazu";


<h1>Add Category</h1>

		echo "<p>$error</p>\n";
		echo "</br> $upisano </br>\n";

... rest of code


File: blog.php


function add_category($name)
	$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
	mysql_query("INSERT INTO categories SET name='{$name}'")or die(mysql_error());

function category_exist($name)

	$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
	$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM categories WHERE name = '{$name}'") or die(mysql_error());

	return (mysql_result($query,0)=='0')? false: true;




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Your going to have to query your DB first to see if there is a match, if there is a match then no insert should be made.


Which your on the right track kinda between the 2 functions you show as example. You should combine them in a manner of speaking. Kinda like not guaranteeing this will work as i am just using your code to re-sample the idea with


function toAddorNottoAdd($name)
function category_exist($name)
                $name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
	$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM categories WHERE name = '{$name}'") or die(mysql_error());

	$wasItFound = (mysql_result($query,0)=='0')? false: true;

	if($wasItFound === false)
			$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
			mysql_query("INSERT INTO categories SET name='{$name}'")or die(mysql_error());
			echo $name . " inserted into DB";

			echo $name . " found in DB";

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function toAddorNottoAdd($name)
                $name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
	$query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM categories WHERE name = '{$name}'") or die(mysql_error());

	$wasItFound = (mysql_result($query,0)=='0')? false: true;

	if($wasItFound === false)
			$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
			mysql_query("INSERT INTO categories SET name='{$name}'")or die(mysql_error());
			echo $name . " inserted into DB";

			echo $name . " found in DB";


quick correction #1  :-\

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