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database and mysql help


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i want to store information in a database and call for it later but the problem i have is that i end up with to long a row.


ie. character table for tv shows.


id                        1

charac1                character 1

actor1                  actor 1

desc1                  description 1

charc2                  character 2

actor2                  actor 2

desc2                  description 2


as you can see it gets a bit much for when there are many of them.

what i want to know if it is possible to make a table like this


id                              1

chid                            show1

charc                          character

actor                          actor

desc                          description


id                              2

chid                            show1

charc                          character

actor                          actor

desc                          desc


id                              3

chid                            show2

charc                        character

actor                        actor

desc                          description


then i want to query the database and take all the info from the rows that have the same id ie. chid

and store each one of the row's in there own array.


so that i can display them how and where i want


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you absolutely can make a table like that, and it is recommended. You would simply create a table with the fields; id, chid, charc, actor, desc. make the id field the primary key with auto-increment enabled. Use an INSERT clause to add information for each character. When you want to extract the data from you database, you will want to use something like this.

$character = $_POST['character'];
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE charc = '$character'");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$db_character = $row['charc'];

etc...the $character variable will be whatever character the user types. then you will search the database for that character and return whatever fields you'd like form that row, hope this helps

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i haven't tried using the character script above yet as im still trying to get the databases sorted out.


i've retried putting the database together.

Sorry i tried to save a copy of the tables but it didn't seem to want me to view them so i cant post it now will have to do it tomorrow


i've got two tables one called anime and the other ani_character.


i've got an id colum and then i have a a_id column in the anime table and an a_chid column in the ani_character table.


what i've done is use the a_id and a_chid colums to connect the tables together. ie. i've used bgc in a_id and a_chid to join them together for one show where anime has 1 insert about the show and ani_character has 4 inserts (4 characters) and i've used bgc as the a_chid for all 4 so that its linked to the same show.


this is the query i've used so far.


$query="SELECT anime.*, ani_character.* FROM anime, ani_character WHERE ani_character.a_chid=anime.a_id";


$result= mysql_query($query)or die (mysql_error());


$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);


then i use the echo command to display the needed information


echo $row['ac_name'] (Character name)


but i've come across a problem. the query only puts the first character row into the array so i can get the first character information but not the others. Is there anyway to fix it and how would i display them with the echo command.



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here are images of the two tables i've made so far.

I have tried a bit with the union command but i get the following error


The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns


here is the query


$query="SELECT anime.*, ani_character.* FROM anime, ani_character WHERE ani_character.a_chid=anime.a_id
SELECT ani_character.id FROM ani_character WHERE ani_character.id=2";

$result= mysql_query($query)or die (mysql_error());

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);



can you please show me how to tell it to put the character info into seperate array's so i can display them with the show info or how to put all the character info into one array so that i can put them into the page with the show info.




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thanks i will check it out but is there anyway you can show me the actual query or what it would look like. Once i know what its suppost to be like i can work from there.



there are many examples on the link that i gave you, simply replace there column_names and table_name with yours

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so then how do i get it to retrieve the data from the first table and the other 4 rows of data that have the same id linking them (bgc). If i put a query to retrieve info with the same id (a_id and a_chid) i only get the first row from the second table (ani_character). I have managed to get the info by repeating the query multiple times and storing in a different array, but i want to get all the info in one query and be able to display it.

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