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hi guys,


I have a mail box that gets email from gmail (certain messages are set to auto forward to this email address).

The php code to read from the inbox is below.


$imap = imap_open("{mail.domain.com:143/notls}INBOX", "[email protected]", "password");
$message_count = imap_num_msg($imap);
$message_count = 1;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $message_count; ++$i) {
        $header = imap_header($imap, $i);
       $body = imap_body($imap, $i);
        $prettydate = date("d/m/Y H:i", $header->udate);
        if (isset($header->from[0]->personal)) {
            $personal = $header->from[0]->personal;
        } else {
            $personal = $header->from[0]->mailbox;
        $email = "$personal <{$header->from[0]->mailbox}@{$header->from[0]->host}>";
        $debody = base64_decode($body);


The problem is, when the email is read some certain characters are added (replaced I think). Especially "=A0". But in the original email it is not there.

I tried str_replace just to take them off, but no effect.


Original message is displayed like

Ticker Coupon Maturity    B/O  Price      B/O  Yield  Mid ASW Mid Z Axe


AGILE  8.875  28-Apr-17  100.750/101.750  8.705 /8.485  629.4  667

CENCHI 12.25  20-Oct-15  103.750/104.750  11.125/10.837 942.5  975

CHOGRP 7      17-Nov-17  92.000 /93.000  8.650 /8.434  570.9  641

CITIC  6.75  15-May-14  103.000/104.000  5.613 /5.244  443.9  450

CITPAC 7.875  15-Apr-49  99.500 /100.000  7.998 /7.871  596.7  632

COGARD 10.5  11-Aug-15  103.750/104.750  9.379 /9.091  774.2  796

COGARD 11.25  22-Apr-17  103.750/104.750  10.371/10.145 809.0  846


Php displays it like

Ticker Coupon Maturity =A0 =A0 B/O =A0 Price =A0= =A0 =A0B/O =A0Yield =A0Mid ASW Mid Z Axe

------------------------------= ------------------------------------------------

AGILE =A08.875 =A028-Ap= r-17 =A0100.750/101.750 =A08.705 /8.485 =A0629.4 =A0 667

CENCHI 12.25 =A020-Oct-15 =A0103.750/104.750 =A011.125/10.837 942.5 =A0 975=

CHOGRP 7 =A0 =A0 =A017-Nov-17 =A092.000 /93.000 =A0 8.650 /8.434 =A0570= .9 =A0 641

CITIC =A06.75 =A0 15-May-14 =A0103.000/104.000 =A05.613 /5.24= 4 =A0443.9 =A0 450

CITPAC 7.875 =A015-Apr-49 =A099.500 /100.000 =A07.998= /7.871 =A0596.7 =A0 632

COGARD 10.5 =A0 11-Aug-15 =A0103.750/104.750 =A09.379 /9.091 =A0774.2 =A0 7= 96


Could it be some thing to do with html formatting special characters in some way?


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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