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I have been trying to get the new FedEx Web Services working for a week and I just cannot make any progress. I am using PHP of course, my server is CentOS Linux with SOAP compiled in, running PHP 5.


I have a FedEx developer account with all of the credentials and I have downloaded the WSDL file and sample code and I *think* put all of my credentials in the right place but I just keep getting errors. The most recent error is this:







String:Schema validation failed for request.





Can someone maybe start from scratch and help me out here? I am not running any framework or eCommerce systems, just pure object oriented PHP5.

I am fluent in PHP but I know very little about web services and am up against a deadline :-(


I simply need to use our FedEx account to submit a delivery address etc. to buy the postage (create a shipment), save the shipping label as a PDF and get a tracking number. I will worry about address validation once I get the rest working. Can anyone tell me exactly what files I would need and what variables need changed in these files, so can I make sure I am not forgetting anything?


or does anyone have a nice FedEx Web Services class handy to make things easy?

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