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I was wondering, what are the main fundamental security features which should be in place on a php website? I have an e-commerce site i hope to launch soon, and the security measures i use are:


1. SSL

2. Any data from user is cleansed with mysql_real_escape_string() before being inserted to a table

3. MD5 + salt used to encrypt passwords


Am I missing anything? Is this enough? With database tables, do I only need to encrypt password fields? Are all other field ok as they are?


Regarding sessions, i use them a lot throughout the site. Are there any security issues here?




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Always check that the value submitted is what it is supposed to be. For example, if you are expecting a zip code, only allow numbers and letters, a dash and a space (for Canadian)... disallow all other characters. It's probably a good idea NOT to call your database columns "username" and "password" - call them something like "x_username" or "user_password" so it is hard to guess. Force 8+ character passwords...


When you want to get really secure use prepared statements.

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