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Hello all,

  I am trying to save my php results (post data) to a file after displaying it.  I have been trying to do it using this code below but the url does not exists and it has to be a file to use file get contents. 


$string = file_get_contents('http://www.example.com/');
echo $string;

// create a new cURL resource
$ch = curl_init();
// set URL and other appropriate options
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://www.example.com/");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
// grab URL and pass it to the browser
$string = curl_exec($ch);
echo $string;
// close cURL resource, and free up system resources


Then I tried this code below but it saves both the PHP and HTML.  I need only the HTML part.  As if you were viewing the Source code of the HTML page.


//buffer output

//process form
//your code goes here

//save & flush buffer in a file
$buffer = ob_get_flush();
file_put_contents('buffer.txt', $buffer, FILE_APPEND);

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Try something like this:


$data = '';
foreach($_POST as $k=>$v)
$data = $k . ": " . $v . "/r/n";

$file = 'file.txt';

if ($fh = fopen($file, 'w')) {
fwrite($fh, $data);
} else {
trigger_error('cant open file',E_USER_ERROR);



Thanks for the reply.  That would work if I was only trying to save the PHP results, I also need to save the HTML of the page.  I have attached my code so you can see what I have created.  There is est.html and workestimate.php3.



See the page makes results inside the html.


[attachment deleted by admin]

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Oh, I see.


This little test worked for me:


$array = range(0,9);


foreach($array as $a)
echo $a.'<br />';

$buffer = ob_get_flush();




test.txt contains:

0<br />1<br />2<br />3<br />4<br />5<br />6<br />7<br />8<br />9<br />

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Oh, I see.


This little test worked for me:


$array = range(0,9);


foreach($array as $a)
echo $a.'<br />';

$buffer = ob_get_flush();




test.txt contains:

0<br />1<br />2<br />3<br />4<br />5<br />6<br />7<br />8<br />9<br />


I'm not sure I am explaining the correct way......  If i take the line for example below


<td width="12%" bordercolor="#999999">

      <div align="center"><b><?php echo $taxrate ?></b></div>



I want the saved file to have all the HTML included and the PHP results which the saved file will look like this....


<td width="12%" bordercolor="#999999">

      <div align="center"><b>tax rate=7%</b></div>








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ok  :-[  Solved.....LOL


My second code actually worked.  I was doing something wrong but it works now!  Thanks all


//buffer outputob_start();//process form//your code goes here//save & flush buffer in a file$buffer = ob_get_flush();file_put_contents('buffer.txt', $buffer, FILE_APPEND);

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