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1. It really depends. Ask yourself if you feel your project will benefit from a framework or if you should use something like a CMS instead. Realize that existing frameworks are worked on and tested by thousands of people, so there is generally high quality code, performance, and security. Can you deliver the same end product?


2. CodeIgniter is very easy to pick up, and is a pretty decent framework so I would start with that.



It is always fun to make your own framework though. Not necessarily for a production website, but just to learn how everything works.

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Frameworks take a lot of the work out of your project. CodeIgniter, for instance, comes bundled with a ton of libraries and helper functions. Stuff like: database access, encryption, pagination, sessions, templating, caching, working with files, working with forms, input/output validation/sanitizing, XML, and lots more. Most frameworks have pretty similar features.


So all of these things you don't have to worry about creating. Things like user authentication and session management is very easy to get wrong, and create potential security problems.


When you use a framework, you create application-specific code and not much else (unless you need to extend a library, or create your own - or something to that nature). So as such, workflow can be a lot faster and more productive.


EDIT: However also know that while frameworks come with so many features, rarely do you use or need all of them, so it can be argued that you are using additional overhead when you don't need to. It is generally true that creating your own custom-tailored solution will be faster for your specific application. Afterall, frameworks are designed to cater to a general need, and are not specifically targeting any one thing. So there are cons to using a framework too.

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To add to the discussion, the type/scale of the website/application you are creating will effect this choice too. Is all the overhead of X framework worth the reduced amount of work? Is what you want to do easily accomplished with vanilla PHP?


Also, how well versed are you with PHP? If you don't know it very well, jumping right into using a framework without the basic knowledge of how things work in PHP can end up with very frustrating bugs and code that won't work and doesn't give you any clues as to why it doesn't work.


also, CakePHP is another very common php framework, as well as ZEND

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