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Hi All.


I have a quoter built out of PHP that takes a custom size, and shows a price depending on which of five price groups the print is in.


The quoter is finding the custom price, but for example, if I enter 1 x 1, the price should be £9.20, instead the price displays £9.00. For each of the custom prices, it does not show the 'pence' just the 'pound'.


If you input a default size instead of custom size A3 you see it displays £9.20. in the database I have checked and both tables have the correct price of £9.20.


You can try it yourself here: http://chrisdavieswebdesign.com/


I have attached the document to this thread. I will be very greatful if someone can check my code to see if there is something wrong.





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Yes, no problem, here is the entire document:


<?php session_start(); require_once('config.php'); 

<script language="javascript">	

function makeDisable1q(){
	if(document.Quoter.print_size.value != "" && document.Quoter.custom_length.value.length == 0 && document.Quoter.custom_width.value.length == 0){
	}else if(document.Quoter.print_size.value == ""){
function makeDisable2q(){
	if(document.Quoter.print_size.value == "" && (document.Quoter.custom_length.value.length > 0 || document.Quoter.custom_width.value.length > 0)){
	} if(document.Quoter.custom_length.value.length == 0 && document.Quoter.custom_width.value.length == 0){
	if(parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) > 60){
		document.Quoter.custom_width.value = 60;
	if(parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) < 1 || isNaN(document.Quoter.custom_width.value)){
		document.Quoter.custom_width.value = 1;
	if(parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) > 35){
		document.Quoter.custom_length.value = 35;
	if(parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) > 35 || isNaN(document.Quoter.custom_length.value)){
		document.Quoter.custom_length.value = 1;

function getTotalq() {
	if((document.Quoter.print_size.value != "" || (document.Quoter.custom_length.value.length > 0 && document.Quoter.custom_width.value.length > 0)) && document.Quoter.paper_type.value != "" && document.Quoter.quantity.value != ""){
		if(document.Quoter.print_size.value != "") {
			  $sqls = "select * from size";
			  $rsts = mysql_query($sqls);
			  while($rows = mysql_fetch_object($rsts)):
			if(document.Quoter.print_size.value == "<?=$rows->name?>")
				var amount = parseFloat(<?=$rows->price?>);
			<?php endwhile; ?>
		} else {
			  $sqls = "select * from custom_size";
			  $rsts = mysql_query($sqls);
			  $rows = mysql_fetch_object($rsts);
			if((parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 1 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 17 &&
			parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 1 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 12) 
			|| (parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 1 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 12 && 
			parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 1 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 17)){
				var amount = parseInt(<?=$rows->custom_1?>);
			if((parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 18 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 24 && 
			parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 1 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 17) 
			|| (parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 13 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 24 
			&& parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 13 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 17) 
			|| (parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 1 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 17 
			&& parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 18 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 24)
			|| (parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 13 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 17 
			&& parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 13 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 24)){
				var amount = parseInt(<?=$rows->custom_2?>);
			if((parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 1 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 24 && 
			parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 25 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 35) 
			|| (parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 18 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 24 
			&& parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 18 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 35) 
			|| (parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 18 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 34 
			&& parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 18 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 24)
			|| (parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 25 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 34 
			&& parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 1 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 24)){
				var amount = parseInt(<?=$rows->custom_3?>);
			if((parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 25 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 47 &&
			parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 25 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 35) 
			|| (parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 35 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 47 && 
			parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 1 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) <= 35)){
				var amount = parseInt(<?=$rows->custom_4?>);
			if((parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) >= 48 && parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_width.value) <= 60 &&
			parseInt(document.Quoter.custom_length.value) >= 1 && parseInt(document.Form.custom_length.value) <= 35)){
				var amount = parseInt(<?=$rows->custom_5?>);
		var quantity = parseInt(document.Quoter.quantity.value);
		var total = Math.round(quantity*amount*100)/100;
		<?php if(isset($_SESSION['uid'])): ?>
			var off = total*0.1;
			total = total - off;
		<?php endif; ?>
		document.getElementById('price').innerHTML = '£' + total.toFixed(2);
	}else {
		document.getElementById('price').innerHTML = '£0.00';

<div class="quote_text">
<img src="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template ?>/graphics/get_quote.gif" />
<form class="transform" method="post" name="Quoter" id="Quoter">
  <table width="100" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        <select class="nojavascript_quoter" name="paper_type" id="paper_type" onChange="getTotalq();">
        <option value="">Paper Type</option>
  		$sqls = "select * from types";
      		$rsts = mysql_query($sqls);
  		while($rows = mysql_fetch_object($rsts)):
        <option value="<?=$rows->name?>">
            <?php endwhile; ?>
        </select>        </td>
        <select class="nojavascript_quoter" name="print_size" id="print_size" onChange="makeDisable1q(); getTotalq();" >
        <option value="">Print Size</option>
  		$sqls = "select * from size";
  		$rsts = mysql_query($sqls);
  		while($rows = mysql_fetch_object($rsts)):
        <option class="nojavascript_quoter" value="<?=$rows->name?>">
          	<?php endwhile; ?>
        </select>        </td>
        <span class="quoter_text">or</span>        </td>
        <input class="nojavascript_quoter" name="custom_width" type="text" id="custom_width" onblur="makeDisable2q(); getTotalq();" onkeydown="makeDisable2q(); getTotalq();" onkeyup="makeDisable2q(); getTotalq();" size="2" />        </td>
        <span class="quoter_text">x</span>        </td>
        <input class="nojavascript_quoter" name="custom_length" type="text" id="custom_length" onblur="makeDisable2q(); getTotalq();" onkeydown="makeDisable2q(); getTotalq();" onkeyup="makeDisable2q(); getTotalq();" size="2" />        </td>
        <span class="quoter_text">inches</span>
        <select class="nojavascript_quoter" name="quantity" id="quantity" onchange="getTotalq();">
        <option value="">Qty</option>
        	<?php for($i=1; $i<10; $i++): ?>
        <option value="<?=$i?>"><?=$i?></option>
        	<?php endfor; ?>
        </select>        </td>
        <td><span class="quoter_text" id="price">£0.00</span></td>


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