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Hi all


I have a checkout sequence that adds items, prices etc... into an SQL Database with a session id that is started on every page in my header.


I have written a success page that uses session_destroy(); but it doesn't unset the $sessionid variable. I have also tried to unset($sessionid) but it keeps the session id?


Please help!


Many thanks.



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just re-read the OP, are you trying to actually use session_destroy() on the variable that holds your $_SESSION value? if so, that wont work...you will need to do something like




where your index "id" would be whatever you named your session, also, if you wanted to destroy every session you have created you can use redixx method, however be careful, because it will destroy EVERY session that is initialized

just re-read the OP, are you trying to actually use session_destroy() on the variable that holds your $_SESSION value? if so, that wont work...you will need to do something like




where your index "id" would be whatever you named your session, also, if you wanted to destroy every session you have created you can use redixx method, however be careful, because it will destroy EVERY session that is initialized


What do you mean by all sessions? It will only destroy that user's session.

that's what i mean, if the he has sessions stored for lets say his login credentials the user will be logged out if his login is based off of sessions




OP, in case you don't want that to happen you can unset individual session keys like this:


Hi all


Thanks for the replies, I have added the following into the code but it still doesn't destroy my session?




On each of my pages I have session_start(); as it's included in my config file which is included in my header on each page.


I have preview of the shopping cart on each page too which looks like this:


  $getheaderbasket = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `store_basket` WHERE sessionid = '".$sessionid."'") or die (mysql_error());
  $numproductsheaderbasket = mysql_num_rows($getheaderbasket);
  while ($showheaderbasket = mysql_fetch_array($getheaderbasket)) { 
  // Work out totals:
  $header_item_total = $showheaderbasket['qty'] * $showheaderbasket['price'];
  $header_item_total = number_format($header_item_total, 2);
  $header_subtotal += $header_item_total;


Am I right in thinking that if the session is destroyed, the above shoudn't find any products as the $sessionid is destroyed?


Many thanks for you help.



I see. Basically, when a user checks out I want to keep the basket details in the SQL as they are.


The basket has the session id, product, price and shipping cost. When they complete checkout, I want the session id to be reset so that if they place another order, it adds a new sessionid into the basket.


Thanks for your help.



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