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Store Front & DB Editing


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I am currently working on a site which has its visitors purchase access to a series of videos. I don't want to handle the payment processing any more than I have to (mostly because I'm scared...lol) and I can't seem to find a storefront which has this sort of thing built in.


The way that I'm seeing this, the user would select the product on my site, and then be redirected to a store page, which will handle the payment processing. The result of a successful payment would then be a change in my DB to reflect the user's new purchase.


Does that sound like a good way to go about it, and how can I do this? I have no idea even where to begin on this, so ANY sort of guidance, however small, would be immensely helpful.

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Its been my experience store sites tend to get out of control on the coding side of things.  I'd head towards an existing application and modify it to your needs. Magneto, osCommerce and zen cart are popular open source shopping cart solutions.  They all support an impressive number of payment gateways by default or supported by their communities.

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