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i wrote an remote uploading script

but the script is used to upload the file in the same directory

but i want to modify the script as to upload it to the original path of the file


like so

let the file be http//www.xxxxxx.xxx/examples/text.txt

then on normal script its uploaded to

/public_html/text.txt (b'coz i have my remt upl script in /public_html/ directory)


but i want it to have the same path of that of the file


/public_html/example/text.txt  (it should of the original file path of the source file)


if its


it should be in



the original code is

//the php code//




if (isset($_POST['myupload']))




$links_list = $_POST['upload'];


$incr = 0;


$links = explode("\r\n",$links_list);


define('BUFSIZ', 4095);


for ( $incr == 0 ; $incr < count($links) ; $incr++ )




$url = $links[$incr];


$rfile = fopen($url, 'r');


$lfile = fopen(basename($url), 'wb');




fwrite($lfile, fread($rfile, BUFSIZ), BUFSIZ);











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I don't understand why you are handling data the way you are. I'll point out what's wrong with what you're doing, then set you on the right path with a few options.


First, if you are uploading data you should verify that the data being posted is actually an uploaded file for security and stability reasons.

Second, you are file-writing the uploaded data, which isn't necessary and you'll see why.


Now for your problem, you could use $_FILES with uploaded files to get information such as the source directory, remote file name, where the uploaded file is stored in /tmp or wherever your host puts them, and other sorts of useful data that you might need to use when handling file uploads.


Next, if you need to upload from a remote url you can either have the full url that the remote file is being uploaded from passed as a form input type, probably a hidden input type OR check the referer with PHP... if you want to add a little security, you could do both and ensure that they match up. But if you are grabbing the source of a remote file, why not use file_get_contents(), or if that is not possible, try cURL.

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