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Weird MySQL problem

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My first post so I hope I can explain this correctly...


I have a table that looks like this ...



  `serv_id` mediumint(7) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

  `serv_text` varchar(100) NOT NULL,

  `serv_cost` decimal(5,2) NOT NULL,

  `serv_freq` char(1) NOT NULL,

  `serv_desc` longtext NOT NULL,

  `serv_type` char(1) NOT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`serv_id`)



I am updating/inserting to this table from the results of a form.


My insert code looks like this ..

$db = @mysql_connect("localhost","xxxxx","xxxxx") or header("Location: xxxt.php");
mysql_select_db("xxxx",$db) or header("Location: xxx.php");

$a = addslashes(trim($_POST['serv_text']));
$b = addslashes(trim($_POST['serv_freq']));
$c = addslashes(trim($_POST['serv_cost']));
$d = addslashes(trim($_POST['serv_desc']));

mysql_query($sql = "INSERT INTO kb_services (serv_text,serv_freq,serv_cost,serv_desc,serv_type) VALUES ('$a','$b','$c','$d','D')"); 


this inserts a record but all the variables are blank except for serv_type.  I echoed the $sql immediately after the insert and it looks like this

INSERT INTO kb_services (serv_text,serv_freq,serv_cost,serv_desc,serv_type) VALUES ('Test Text','O','19.99','Test Description','D') 


If I go directly into the Db (using phpmyadmin) and paste the echoed code into a sql statement then the record is inserted with all values recorded correctly.


Any ideas please?


Many thanks

John G

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it worked for me. (your exact same code) except I set $a,$b,$c,$d variables manually (so I wouldn't have to create a page to post stuff.


could you, by any change, have a copy of the database for test reasons, and are connecting to the wrong one?

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Thanks for replying. 


No, I only have the one Db for this project.  I could kind of understand if a record was not being written due to coding error/data problems but not being written with the variables not recorded, the sql statement is valid syntax and it works within phpmyadmin.  I just cannot understand this.


(to answer the other question... I used $sql to make it simple to echo it).

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since it worked fine for me, the only thing I can think of is maybe your database is not the EXACT same as the CREATE TABLE code you posted here. I basically, dumped that into phpmyadmin, created the database, copied your code, set the variables manually, and everything worked.


That's about all I can suggest right now.

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all I can suggest is replicate what I did. If it works for me, it HAS to work for you.


Delete database, create new one, set variables manually, test.


this is the code I used: (the only thing that's different is that I use a function to handle the database connection)

$conn = conn('phpfreaksTests');
$a = 'testing';
$b = 'O';
$c = '19.99';
$d = 'Test Description';

mysql_query($sql = "INSERT INTO kb_services (serv_text,serv_freq,serv_cost,serv_desc,serv_type) VALUES ('$a','$b','$c','$d','D')",$conn);

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