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ok, so i am making this ball python breeding game , and i need a little help im about 60% done with the site and i hit the biggest wall of all, heres what i need help with:


ok, so i have a form that has two select lists in it male and female, there options are an loop of  mysql data for each (male,female) now the problem i have i want the game to be realistic and there some physics, genetics ,and a whirlwind of things that come into play with realistic ball python breeding.....

just to name a few: ("If you have any help to offer with any of the following questions thanks alot!")


say i have a long array of "male morphs" and i wanna check for a value in that very array?

how do i check for a value in an array where the value is a varible?

percentage functions ....."just courius"!

I cannot even begin to picture what a 'ball python breeding game' might be.

You say you're done 60% of this, with genetics, physics, etc... but you have no idea how to check if an array contains a certain value?

how about



Even though I have no idea what you're actually asking.


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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