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Hello, could anyone please help me with the code on how to make a link to another page based on a specific name?


I have a page for every name. That name is an attribute and also stored in a database. I want my visitors to be directed to that specific page of a name that is shown on the page that they came from. Because I have so many pages it will take ages to do manually, so I'm using a template and therefore can't link every page manually.


I hope I explained clearly. Please ask if you are not sure what I mean. I will be very grateful if someone could help me.


Thank you in advance.

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That's the thing. I don't have a code. I don't know much about PHP, but I'm trying.


I will try to be more specific, sorry.


The name is a brand name that is a href LINK to a page that contains all products for that brand. Which is also an attribute and saved in database, as everything is linked together.


Below that link is another link. And I want visitors to be redirected to a specific page for that brand name that is  shown above, when they click it.


Hope this helps.

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simple solution would be something like: (create dynamic links from database with the page names or ids)


<a href="redirector.php?pageName=page1">page1</a>


and use a little redirector file to check if the page exists before redirecting that will send them back if the page does not exist.



But there are loads of security issues with something like this, because it will allow virtually anyone to write pagenames in the url to open up stuff they shouldn't have access to. either you put all the pages in a specific folder, and only allow them to see pages contained within that folder, or you need to set up a permissions system based on each user (I'm assuming they have to login, might not be the case).

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I thought this was a simple question. I have done PHP before, but this was years ago, so can't remember much.


Thank you, WebStyles, but I don't think that's what I wanted. All I want is for href link to fetch the brandname of the page and direct the visitor to a page for that specific brand that it fetched. I'm sorry if I'm not explaining properly, I don't know how to make it more clear.


Visitors can browse pages when they are logged in and out. Security shouldn't be affected by this I think.

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Yes, that is correct. I know that they all are stored in a database, but not sure how they are retrieved. Everything is done automatically by Magento, but I'm trying to customise it a bit.


I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post links to other websites here, but couldn't find it in the rules. Here is a page of the website:




Do you see where it says: Brand: Hunter ? (Below the price)

And then a bit below it says "Size Guide"


Well I want visitors to be directed to a size chart for Hunter from that page. At the moment they are directed to a page which contains all brands' size charts.


Because that is a template, I need it all to be done automatically. I hope it is clear what I want to do now.

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that's pretty easy. All you need to do is grab the brandname then... but if you don't know where it is stored, how are we supposed to know? you need to look at your database, find the name of the table and the field you need (or look at your code in that page, chances are it's already being retrieved) and just add it to the link in the form ?brandname=whteverBrandNameIs,


then on your sizes page, just grab the variable, and display only relevant content.



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I've just tried for the last 20 minutes, but can't figure out what code to put.


Here is what I have so far:


The following code grabs the brand name.


$brand = $_product->getResource()->getAttribute('brandname')->getFrontend()->getValue($_product);


And here is the link. I don't know what to put here. At the moment the text of the link grabs the brand name and displays it. But the link is to a page where all brands are, no just that one brand.


<a href="<?php echo sizeguide.php ?>"><?php echo $brand; ?> Size Guide</a>


But how do I direct visitors to a page for that specific brand? Please help me out with the code. How do I grab the variable and display only relevant content?

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change this:

<a href="<?php echo sizeguide.php ?>"><?php echo $brand; ?> Size Guide</a>


for this:

<a href="sizeguide.php?brand=<?php echo $brand; ?>">Size Guide</a>


then in sizeguide.php grab $_GET['brand'] and create a simple switch() or if() to show only relevant content.

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You need access to your mysql table as WebStyles said. If you have it, you can do something along the lines of:


    $brand = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($_GET['brand']));
    $brand_query = mysql_query("SELECT what_you_need FROM which_table WHERE brand = '$brand'")
    //then print the data relevant to that specific query which will be specific to the brand the is in the GET

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