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Hello, I hope someone can help me out with this as i am out of ideas.  :confused: I was trying to use today's date to display a message based on the information pulled from a MySQL database. As of right now i have it displaying absolutely everything in the database which is not what i want. Below is  what i have so far to display at least something.



$sql="select * from yearly_anouncements";
$result=mysql_query($sql, $connect);

$month = date("m");
if($month = "07"){

  while ($row=(mysql_fetch_array($result))) 


echo "".$row['display']."";





Right now i want it to pull in anything to do with the month of JULY which right now is just the phrase for INDEPENDENCE DAY! could anyone help me figure out where i am going wrong?



Thanks in advance.

Go here to see how to use date function.


Look here for an example

$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a");
echo $today;


And do your query like this


$sql="select * from yearly_anouncements" WHERE day = 'your day here' AND month = 'your month here';


It depends on how you have saved the day, month.


While working hard at trying to figure this out, I DID! Just for anyone who wants future reference here is what I did. I had my table separated into


id--INT---auto Increment--just a unique id number

event--TEXT--- title of the event to be displayed

month--INT--- month event happens in

day--INT---- day event happens in

display--TEXT--- actual text to display on the site


I figured it would be easier to read out the individual cells instead of an actual formatted date because im not yet familiar with it.


I then looped through all of the rows to put it into an array and while inside the While loop i created an if statement that compared the month of the browser to the month colume of the table in MySQL.


I then echoed the text in the display cell in the table into the website.



$sql="select * from yearly_anouncements";
$result=mysql_query($sql, $connect);

$monthd = date("n");

//	if($monthd = "$month"){

  while ($row=(mysql_fetch_array($result))) 



if($monthd == "$month"){
	echo "".$row['display']."";


Thanks for the help anyway everyone!!


well... glad you got the result you wanted, but  you're extracting EVERYTHING from the database and then only showing a few... waste of resources.



$currentMonth = date("n");
$q=mysql_query("select * from `yearly_anouncements` where `month` = '$currentMonth'", $connect);
while ($r=mysql_fetch_assoc($rq)){
echo 'Event: '.$r['event'].' (Id: '.$r['id'].')';
echo '<br />Date: 2011-'.$r['month'].'-'.$r['day'];
echo '<br /><b>'.$r['display'].'</b>';

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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