saskiwi4 Posted July 7, 2011 Share Posted July 7, 2011 So I am trying to use XLQuiz to put quizzes on my site. It comes with an input field for someones name, but, because users are logged in on my site, their name is stored in a MySQL database. I want to eliminate the field and its processor and replace it with a "get from MySQL" function instead. the code is attached and embedded. This is only the file that contains the info about the field. I have the others and can end them if need be. All help is greatly appreciated. <?php /** * (c)2005 */ /* $q['title'] = 'Pealkiri'; $q['summary'] = 'Sisukokkuvõte'; $q['data'][0]['type']='radio'; $q['data'][0]['question']='Mis värk on?'; $q['data'][0]['comment']='Jah, pole siin hõisata midagi...'; $q['data'][0]['variant'][0]['text']='Ei ole siin midagi'; $q['data'][0]['variant'][0]['correct']=1; $q['data'][0]['variant'][1]['text']='On kah'; $q['data'][0]['variant'][2]['text']='Mis see sinu asi peaks olema?'; */ class Quiz { var $filename; // konkreetse faili nimi var $path; // xls failide kataloog var $cachepath = 'cache/'; var $quiz= array(); var $res = array(); var $err = ''; function Quiz($filename, $path='db/') { $this->filename = $filename; $this->path = $path; } function load($forceCache=0) { $filepath = $this->path . $this->filename . '.xls'; $newfile = $this->cachepath . $this->filename; if(!is_file($filepath)) { exit(t('Not found')); } elseif(!is_file($newfile) || $forceCache) { $this->parse(); $this->saveCache(); } else { $this->loadCache(); } } function saveCache() { if(!is_writable($this->cachepath)) return false; $fn = $this->cachepath . $this->filename; $f = fopen($fn, 'w'); if($f && !empty($this->quiz)) { fwrite($f, serialize($this->quiz)); fclose($f); return true; } return false; } function loadCache() { $fn = $this->cachepath . $this->filename; if(is_file($fn)) { $this->quiz = unserialize(file_get_contents($fn)); return true; } return false; } function Parse() { $filepath = $this->path . $this->filename . '.xls'; if(!is_file($filepath)) { $this->setError('Test not found =/'); return 0; } $excel = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(); $excel->setOutputEncoding('CP1251'); $excel->read($filepath); $this->quiz['title'] = $excel->sheets[0]['cells'][1][1]; $this->quiz['intro'] = $excel->sheets[0]['cells'][3][1]; for($q=1;$q<=count($excel->sheets);$q++) { if(!isset($excel->sheets[$q]['cells'][1][1])) continue; $this->quiz['data'][$q]['type'] = $excel->sheets[$q]['cells'][1][1]; $this->quiz['data'][$q]['question'] = htmlspecialchars($excel->sheets[$q]['cells'][2][1]); $this->quiz['data'][$q]['comment'] = htmlspecialchars($excel->sheets[$q]['cells'][4][1]); $w = -1; // current variant for($v = 6; $v <= $excel->sheets[$q]['numRows']; $v++) { $w++; if(isset($excel->sheets[$q]['cells'][$v][1])) $this->quiz['data'][$q]['variant'][$w]['text'] = htmlspecialchars($excel->sheets[$q]['cells'][$v][1]); if(isset($excel->sheets[$q]['cells'][$v][2])) $this->quiz['data'][$q]['variant'][$w]['correct'] = $excel->sheets[$q]['cells'][$v][2]; } } } function getHTML() { $out = ''; $out .= '<h1>' . $this->quiz['title'] . "</h1>\n\n"; $_SESSION['start'] = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())); $out .= '<div class="intro">' .nl2br($this->quiz['intro']) . "</div>\n"; $out .= '<h2>'.t('Questions').'</h2>'; $out .= sprintf('<form action="%s" method="post">', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?id='.$this->filename); foreach($this->quiz['data'] as $q=>$arr) { $out .= '<div class="qbox">'."\n<h4>" . $q . '. ' .tpl::bbcode($arr['question']) . "</h4>"; switch(strtolower($arr['type'])) { case 'text': $out .= t('Your answer').': <input type="text" name="t['.$q.']" /><br/>'; break; case 'checkbox': if(is_array($arr['variant'])) { foreach($arr['variant'] as $v=>$varr) { $out .= $this->getChar($v, 1) . '. <input type="checkbox" name="t['.$q.$v.']" value="1" id="t'.$q.$v.'" /> <label for="t'.$q.$v.'">' . tpl::bbcode($varr['text']) . "</label> <br />\n"; } } break; case 'radio': default: if(is_array($arr['variant'])) { foreach($arr['variant'] as $v=>$varr) { $out .= $this->getChar($v, 1) . '. <input type="radio" name="t['.$q.']" value="'.$v.'" id="t'.$q.$v.'" /> <label for="t'.$q.$v.'">' . tpl::bbcode($varr['text']) . "</label> <br />\n"; } } } $out .= "</div>\n\n"; } $name = isset($_COOKIE['name_']) ? htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['name_']) : t('Enter Your name'); $htmlInput = <<<HTML <p> <input type="text" name="name" class="input-name" value="%s" onclick="if(this.value=='%s'){this.value='';}" /><br /> HTML; $out .= sprintf($htmlInput, $name, t('Enter Your name')); $out .= '<input type="submit" class="submit-button-chek" name="submit" value="'.t('I\'m Finished!').'" /></p>'; $out .= "</form>\n"; return $out; } function getResults($res) { $out = ''; $out .= '<h1>' . $this->quiz['title'] . "</h1>\n\n"; $this->res['time_elapsed'] = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - $_SESSION['start']; $this->res['total_points'] = 0; $this->res['correct_answers'] = 0; $out .= "\n<!--summary-->\n"; $out .= sprintf("<h2>%s</h2>", t('Answers')); foreach($this->quiz['data'] as $q=>$arr) { $out .= '<div class="qbox">'."\n<h4>" . $q . '. ' .tpl::bbcode($arr['question']) . "</h4>"; switch(strtolower($arr['type'])) { case 'text': # $out .= 'Your answer: <input type="text" name="t['.$q.']" /><br/>'; $this->res['total_points'] += 1; $this->res['points'][$q] = 1; $out .= t('Your answer') . ': '; if(!empty($res['t'][$q])) { $out .= htmlspecialchars($res['t'][$q]); $correct = false; foreach($arr['variant'] as $v=>$varr) { if(trim(strtolower($res['t'][$q])) == strtolower(trim($varr['correct']))) { $correct = true; $this->res['correct_answers'] += 1; $out .= sprintf(' <span class="correct">%s</span> <br />'."\n", t('Correct')); break; } } if(!$correct) $out .= sprintf(' <span class="wrong">%s</span> :/ <br />'."\n", t('Wrong')); } else { $out .= '<span class="wrong">'.t('Not answered') . "</span><br />\n"; } break; case 'checkbox': if(is_array($arr['variant'])) { $mistakes = false; $correct_answers = 0; // $v = variant number: 0 - 4 (or, less or more) // $varr contains variant text and correct variant as // $varr['text'] <- variant text // $varr['correct'] = 1; // $t is array with gived answers, say if answered is q1 1st variant: $t[1]=0; foreach($arr['variant'] as $v=>$varr) { $report = $checked = $css1 = $css2 = '' ; if(isset($varr['correct'])) { $this->res['total_points'] += 1; @$this->res['points'][$q] += 1; } // if this isset, we know that some variants is checked from this radiobox if (isset($res['t'][$q.$v])) { //checked variant if($res['t'][$q.$v]==1) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; $css1 = '<span class="your_choice">'; $css2 = '</span>'; if(isset($varr['correct'])) { $this->res['correct_answers'] += 1; $correct_answers += 1; $report = sprintf(' <span class="correct">%s</span> ', t('Correct')); } else { $report = sprintf(' <span class="wrong">%s</span> ', t('Wrong')); $mistakes = true; } } // unchecked variants else { $report = $checked = $css1 = $css2 = ''; } } #$out .= $this->getChar($v, 1) . '. <input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"'.$checked.' />'.$css1.tpl::bbcode($varr['text']) . $css2. $report . "<br />\n"; $out .= $this->getChar($v, 1) . '. <input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"'.$checked.' />'.$css1.tpl::bbcode($varr['text']) . $css2. $report . "<br />\n"; } // if there are any mistakes, we subtract this question correct answer // points from correct answers sum if($mistakes==true) $this->res['correct_answers'] -= $correct_answers; } /* if(is_array($arr['variant'])) { foreach($arr['variant'] as $v=>$varr) { $out .= $this->getChar($v, 1) . '. <input type="checkbox" name="t['.$q.$v.']" value="1" id="t'.$q.$v.'" /> <label for="t'.$q.$v.'">' . tpl::bbcode($varr['text']) . "</label> <br />\n"; } } */ break; case 'radio': default: $this->res['total_points'] += 1; $this->res['points'][$q] = 1; if(is_array($arr['variant'])) { // $v = variant number: 0 - 4 (or, less or more) // $varr contains variant text and correct variant as // $varr['text'] <- variant text // $varr['correct'] = 1; // $t is array with gived answers, say if answered is q1 1st variant: $t[1]=0; foreach($arr['variant'] as $v=>$varr) { $report = $checked = $css1 = $css2 = '' ; // if this isset, we know that some variants is checked from this radiobox if (isset($res['t'][$q])) { //checked variant if($res['t'][$q]==$v) { $checked = ' checked="checked"'; $css1 = '<span class="your_choice">'; $css2 = '</span>'; if(isset($varr['correct'])) { $this->res['correct_answers'] += 1; $report = sprintf(' <span class="correct">%s</span> ', t('Correct')); } else { $report = sprintf(' <span class="wrong">%s</span> ', t('Wrong')); } } // unchecked variants else { $report = $checked = $css1 = $css2 = ''; } } $out .= $this->getChar($v, 1) . '. <input type="radio" disabled="disabled"'.$checked.' />'.$css1.tpl::bbcode($varr['text']) . $css2. $report . "<br />\n"; } } } $out .= '<div class="key">'.nl2br(tpl::bbcode($arr['comment'])).'</div>'; $out .= "</div>\n\n"; } $out .= sprintf('<h2><a href="index.php">%s</a></h2>', t('Back to mainpage')); # $out .= '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Check" />'; # $out .= "</form>\n"; return $out; } function getSummary() { if(trim($_POST['name'])&&$_POST['name']!=t('Enter Your name')) { $this->res['name']=trim($_POST['name']); $name = htmlspecialchars($this->res['name']); setcookie('name_', $this->res['name'], time()+7*24*3600); } else { $this->res['name'] = $name = ''; } $out = '<div class="summary">'."\n"; $out .= '<a name="summary"></a><h2 id="summary">'.($name?$name.', ':'').t('Your result')."</h2>\n"; # $out .= '<a name="summary"></a><h2 id="summary">'.t('Summary')."</h2>\n"; # if(empty($this->res)) # { # return $out . '<p>'.t('Summary not found').'...</p></div>'; # } $out .= '<h3>'.t('Total questions') . ' : ' .count($this->res['points'])."</h3>\n"; $out .= '<h3>'.t('Max. points') . ' : ' . $this->res['total_points']."</h3>\n"; //score * 100 / max points $percent = round($this->res['correct_answers'] * 100 / $this->res['total_points'],1); $out .= '<h3>'.t('Your score') . ' : ' . $this->res['correct_answers']."</h3>\n"; $out .= '<h3>'.t('Percent').' : '. $percent."%</h3>\n"; $time = Duration::toString($this->res['time_elapsed']); $out .= '<h3>'.t('Time') . ' : ' .$time."</h3>\n"; if(USE_SQL) { $out .= '<h3><a href="highscore.php?id='.htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']).'">'.t('highscore').'</a></h3>'; } $out .= '<h4><a href="index.php">'.t('Back to mainpage').'</a></h4>'; $out .= "</div>\n\n"; return $out; } function addSummaryToDb() { $name = SQL::esc($this->res['name']); $is_already_in = SQL::getAssoc('SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_RESULTS . ' WHERE result_user_name="'.$name.'" AND DATE_ADD(result_date, INTERVAL '.RESULTS_EXPIRY_TIME.' SECOND) > NOW() AND result_test_id="'.SQL::esc($this->filename).'"'); if(!$is_already_in && !empty($name)) { $sql_query = sprintf('INSERT into %s SET result_test_id="%s", result_user_name="%s", result_score=%u, result_date=now(), result_time=%u, result_ip="%s"', TABLE_RESULTS, SQL::esc($this->filename), $name, $this->res['correct_answers'], $this->res['time_elapsed'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ); SQL::insert($sql_query); } } function getChar($no, $case=0) { static $chars; if(empty($chars)) $chars = join("", range('a', 'z')); return $case == 1 ? strtoupper($chars[$no]) : $chars[$no]; } function setError($err) { $this->err = $err; } function getError() { return $this->err; } } ?> [attachment deleted by admin] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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