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Constat for multilanguage site problem


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Hello, I searched on the web and this forum, cant get what im looking for, maybe someone can help me with this.


Im working on some classes for a CMS (own project) I wanted to make everything language independent, so i can change the language without having to edit all the website. This was the solution i choose: Constants. I use a PHP file for every language with a list of constants, so the key words that would be static, change depending which language file is loaded.

My problem: when i get data from a SQL, lets say it gets a list, and save it to a variable, it doesnt change:





$register= "L_IMG" (get it from SQL query)

echo $register;


L_IMG should appear as "image", but it appears as "L_IMG"... so, is there a way to force the variable to get the constant value? another way to do it?

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Dont place constants within quotes. Constants are not parsed within strings.


Display a constants value



Using a constant within a string, you'd use concatenation

echo "some text here " . CONSTANT_NAME_HERE . " more text here";

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Ok, thanks for your answer,  but my problem really is that the constant i want to change is loaded from a register of MySQL, the "L_IMG" its actually the answer from the query, its not written in the code. That is what i want to replace to the constant value, I have used constants as you indicated, no problem with that, the problem is when the constant is loaded from the query and then is echoed. Another problem is that the php can get from mysql either constants to be replace or real info.

Maybe there is a better way to do this?

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Just make it simple:


There are two ways to achieve:


Number One: Using CONSTANT


define("WEB_TITLE", "Welcome To My Site - Arabic Site");




define("WEB_TITLE", "Welcome To My Site - ENGLISH Site");


Based On the Language load the above file

and Print







Number Two: Using SQL



TABLE phrases:

Phrase_ID Language Phrase_Name Phrase_value


1                      arabic            WEB_TITLE      WELOCME TO ARABIC

2                      english          WEB_TITLE      WELOCME TO ENGLISH



$phrases ="";

$sql = "select * FROM phrases where Language = '".Language."'";

if($temps = $DB_site->query($sql))


while ($temp = $DB_site->fetch_array($temps))


$phrases[$temp['Phrase_Name']] = $temp['Phrase_value'];






Print the VAlues:

echo $phrases[WEB_TITLE];

echo $phrases[WEB_ADDRESS];




Thank you, all the best





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Thanks both for your answers, partly solve some doubts, but the problem I have was a little more specific. I finally got the solution:


I needed to read form SQL a string that may o may not be a constant (for language portability purposes) so what i did was:




It may read a little slow... but nowadays it wont be too much of a problem.


If you see some better way to do it? im open to other options.

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