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This is simple, I am sure, for a programmer, so dont laugh



I have an admin section that writes latest offers to a csv file that is automatically given an ID adds new record to the file


CSV Setup (bbs.txt)



I then parse it using this



$fp = fopen('bbs.txt','r');

if (!$fp) {echo 'ERROR: Unable to open file.</body></html>'; exit;}

$row_count = 0;

while (!feof($fp)) {

// this is to exclude the first row


fgets($fp, 2048); //use 2048 if very long lines





$line = fgets($fp, 2048); //use 2048 if very long lines

if (!empty($line)){

list ($id, $offer, $subh, $desc, $promo, $notes ) = split ('\|', $line);


//template start




<p align='left'>$desc</p>

Please quote Promo Code:<div align center> <b>$promo</b></div><hr>";

//template end








Works great but needs to show in reverse so newest added first (id) 4, 3, 2, 1 from bottom to top instead of 1, 2, 3, 4  - still ignoring the first line : ID|Offer|SubHeading|Description|PromoCode|Notes


Graphics/Photoshop help offered in exchange if needed - this is my final task to finish so I can then get paid ;-) so any help appreciated greatly.


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do you mean?


list ($id, $offer, $subh, $desc, $promo, $notes ) = split ('\|', $line);


//template start




<p align='left'>$desc</p>

Please quote Promo Code: <b>$promo</b><hr>";

//template end








$fp = fopen('bbs.txt','r');
if (!$fp) {echo 'ERROR: Unable to open file.</body></html>'; exit;}
$row_count = 0;
while (!feof($fp)) {
// this is to exclude the first row
fgets($fp, 2048); //use 2048 if very long lines

$line = fgets($fp, 2048); //use 2048 if very long lines
if (!empty($line)){
list ($id, $offer, $subh, $desc, $promo, $notes ) = split ('\|', $line);
$output[$id]=$offer. $subh. $desc. $promo. $notes;

//template start
while(list($id, $values)=each($output)){
list ($offer, $subh, $desc, $promo, $notes ) = split (',', $values);
<p align='left'>$desc</p>
Please quote Promo Code:<div align center> <b>$promo</b></div><hr>";
//template end


Effectively this will load the file and close it, reverse the array then output each value.

ok, once more


$fp = fopen('test.csv','r');
if (!$fp) {echo 'ERROR: Unable to open file.</body></html>';
$row_count = 0;
while (!feof($fp)) {
// this is to exclude the first row
if($row_count==0){fgets($fp, 2048);
//use 2048 if very long lines
$line = fgets($fp, 2048); 
//use 2048 if very long lines
if (!empty($line)){list ($id, $offer, $subh, $desc, $promo, $notes ) = explode('\|', $line);
$output[$id]=$offer.",". $subh.",".  $desc.",".  $promo.",".  $notes;
//template start
while(list($id, $values)=each($output)){
	list ($offer, $subh, $desc, $promo, $notes ) = explode (',', $values);
	echo"$id<center><h3>$offer</h3><h4>$subh</h4></center><p align='left'>$desc</p>Please quote Promo Code:<div align center> <b>$promo</b></div><hr>";

	//template end


You should really replace split with explode for this as split is now deprecated

strange changed to print


print"<div align='center'><h3>$offer</h3><h4>$subh</h4></div><p align='left'>$desc</p><div align='center'>Please quote PromoCode:<b>$promo</b></div><hr>";


an now outputs: <div align="center"><h3></h3><h4></h4></div><p align="left"></p><div align="center">Please quote Promo Code:<b></b></div><hr>

sorted Nodral

all I had to do was to explode $id adding $no in the process:



while(list($id, $values)=each($output)){

list ($offer, $subh, $desc, $promo, $notes ) = explode ('|', $values);

print"$id<center><h3>$offer</h3><h4>$subh</h4></center><p align='left'>$desc</p>Please quote Promo Code:<div align center> <b>$promo</b></div><hr>";


//template end




while(list($id, $values)=each($output)){

list ( $offer, $subh, $desc, $promo, $notes ) = explode ('|', $values);

list ( $no, $offer, $subh, $desc, $promo, $notes ) = explode ('|', $id);

print"<center><h3>$offer</h3><h4>$subh</h4></center><p align='left'>$desc</p><div align center> Please quote Promo Code:<b>$promo</b></div><hr>";


//template end




thanks again

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