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CSS formatting with PHP


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This is abit of both css and php


Demo Link: http://www.doveclix.com/index.php?view=click1&


what i am trying todo is get them to list





but currently the just vertical list now it needs todo it within its relevant category i did try



and worked ok when categories are not used however with the method i want to use it pushes the Opulentia link in cat C to the right


here is the code guys


//#       AURORAGPT Script Copyright owned by Mike Pratt and John Terrell   #
//#                        ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2007-2014                    #
//#                                                                         #
//#        Any illegal use of this script is strictly prohibited unless     # 
//#        permission is given by the owner of this script.  To sell        # 
//#        this script you must have a resellers license. Your site         #
//#        must also use a unique encrypted license key for your            #
//#        site. Your site must also have site_info module and              #
//#        key.php file must be in the script unedited. Otherwise           #
//#        it will be considered as unlicensed and can be shut down         #
//#        legally by Illusive Web Services. By using AuroraGPT             #
//#        script you agree not to copy infringe any of the coding          #
//#        and or create a clone version is also copy infringement          #
//#        and will be considered just that and legal action will be        #
//#        taken if neccessary.                                             #
if($settings[ptcon] == 1) {
if($type == "") 	$type="DESC";
if($type == "DESC") 	$newtype="ASC";
if($type == "ASC") 	$newtype="DESC";

if($orderby == "") 	$orderby="pamount";
$order[$orderby]="<img src=\"images/"."$type".".gif\" border=0>";

if(!$LOGGED_IN) {

$sql = $Db1->query("SELECT * FROM ads WHERE 
and active=1
and (daily_limit>views_today or daily_limit=0)
and (upgrade='' or upgrade='1')
ORDER BY $orderby $type
$totalptc = $Db1->num_rows();

if($LOGGED_IN) {

$clickHistory = loadClickHistory($username, "ptc");

if($thismemberinfo['type'] == 1) { $eb = intval($Db1->querySingle("SELECT eb_ptc as total FROM memberships WHERE id='{$thismemberinfo['membership']}' ","total")); }

$sql = $Db1->query("SELECT * FROM ads WHERE 
	and active=1
	and (daily_limit>views_today or daily_limit=0)
	and (upgrade='0' ".($thismemberinfo[type]==1?" or upgrade='1'":"").")
	ORDER BY $orderby $type

if($Db1->num_rows() > 0) {
for($x=0; $ad=$Db1->fetch_array($sql); $x++) {
	//$cont = $ad[country];
	//$tstring = explode(',' , $cont);
	//if ((in_array("$thismemberinfo[country]",$tstring)) || ($ad[country]=="")) {
		$cont = $ad[country];
		$tstring = explode(',' , $cont);
		if ((in_array("$thismemberinfo[country]",$tstring)) || ($ad[country]=="")) {
			if(findclick($clickHistory, $ad['id']) == 0) {


<div class=ptclink style=\"background-color: $ad[bgcolor] !important;\" id=\"col$x\">

    <a href=\"gpt.php?v=entry&type=ptc&id=$ad[id]&".$url_variables."\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"clicked1('col$x');\"><b>".parse_link(ucwords(strtolower(stripslashes($ad[title]))))."</b>
".iif($ad['targetban']!="","<br><img src=\"$ad[targetban]\"width=\"245\" border=\"0\">")."".iif($ad['targetban']==0 ,"")."
						".iif($ad['subtitle_on'] && $ad['subtitle']!="","<br/><em>".strtolower(html_entity_decode($ad['subtitle']))."</em>")."</a><br>
<div class=linktext><div class=textlink><i> $ad[timed] Sec.</i><br>
".iif($ad['class']=="P","$ad[pamount] Points","$settings[currency]$ad[pamount]")."</div></div>
  </center> </div>" 



<div class=ptclink id=\"col$x\">

    <a href=\"gpt.php?v=entry&type=ptc&id=$ad[id]&".$url_variables."\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"clicked1('col$x');\"><b>".parse_link(ucwords(strtolower(stripslashes($ad[title]))))."</b>
".iif($ad['targetban']!="","<br><img src=\"$ad[targetban]\"width=\"245\" border=\"0\">")."".iif($ad['targetban']==0 ,"")."
						".iif($ad['subtitle_on'] && $ad['subtitle']!="","<br/><em>".strtolower(html_entity_decode($ad['subtitle']))."</em>")."</a><br>
<div class=linktext><div class=textlink><i> $ad[timed] Sec.</i><br>
".iif($ad['class']=="P","$ad[pamount] Points","$settings[currency]$ad[pamount]")."</div></div>
  </center> </div>" 


<div class=ptclink id=\"col$x\" style='height:100px;'>

    <a href=\"gpt.php?v=entry&type=ptc&id=$ad[id]&".$url_variables."\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"clicked1('col$x');\"><b>".parse_link(ucwords(strtolower(stripslashes($ad[title]))))."</b>
						".iif($ad['subtitle_on'] && $ad['subtitle']!="","<br/><em>".strtolower(html_entity_decode($ad['subtitle']))."</em>")."</a><br>
<div class=linktext><div class=textlink><i> $ad[timed] Sec.</i><br>
".iif($ad['class']=="P","$ad[pamount] Points","$settings[currency]$ad[pamount]")."</div></div>
  </center> </div>" 


<div class=ptclink id=\"col$x\">

    <a href=\"gpt.php?v=entry&type=ptc&id=$ad[id]&".$url_variables."\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"clicked1('col$x');\"><b>".parse_link(ucwords(strtolower(stripslashes($ad[title]))))."</b>
<div class=linktext><div class=textlink><i> $ad[timed] Sec.</i><br>
".iif($ad['class']=="P","$ad[pamount] Points","$settings[currency]$ad[pamount]")."</div></div>
  </center> </div>" 

if($ad['class'] == "P") $classp= "<h2>Admin Ads</h2>";
if($ad['class'] == "A") $classa= "<h2>A</h2>";
if($ad['class'] == "B") $classb= "<h2>B</h2>";
if($ad['class'] == "C") $classc= "<h2>C</h2>";
if($ad['class'] == "D") $classd= "<h2>D</h2>";

		if($ad['class'] == "P" && $ad[upgrade]==1) { $adsp1.=$tempcodep; } else { 
		if($ad['class'] == "P") $adsp.=$tempcodep; }

		if($ad['class'] == "A" && $ad[upgrade]==1) { $adsa1.=$tempcodep; } else { 
		if($ad['class'] == "A") $adsa.=$tempcodep; }

		if($ad['class'] == "B" && $ad[upgrade]==1) { $adsb1.=$tempcodeb; } else { 
		if($ad['class'] == "B") $adsb.=$tempcodeb; }

		if($ad['class'] == "C" && $ad[upgrade]==1) { $adsc1.=$tempcodec; } else { 
		if($ad['class'] == "C") $adsc.=$tempcodec; }

		if($ad['class'] == "D" && $ad[upgrade]==1) { $adsd1.=$tempcoded; } else { 
		if($ad['class'] == "D") $adsd.=$tempcoded; }

//			if($ad['class'] == "A") $adsa2.=$tempcode;
//			if($ad['class'] == "B") $adsb2.=$tempcode;
//			if($ad['class'] == "C") $adsc2.=$tempcode;
//			if($ad['class'] == "D") $adsd2.=$tempcode;

//					if($ad[upgrade] == 1) $adsp1.=$adsp2;
//					else $adsp.=$adsp2;
//					if($ad[upgrade] == 1) $adsa1.=$adsa2;
//					else $adsa.=$adsa2;
//					if($ad[upgrade] == 1) $adsb1.=$adsb2;
//					else $adsb.=$adsb2;
//					if($ad[upgrade] == 1) $adsc1.=$adsc2;
//					else $adsc.=$adsc2;
//					if($ad[upgrade] == 1) $adsd1.=$adsd2;
//					else $adsd.=$adsd2;

if($thismemberinfo[type] != 1 && $settings[showPremOnlyMsg]) {
$sql = $Db1->query("SELECT COUNT(id)as total FROM ads WHERE credits>=1 and active='1' and (daily_limit>views_today or daily_limit=0) and upgrade='1' ");
$upgradeOnly = $Db1->fetch_array($sql);
if($upgradeOnly[total] > 0) {
	$showmsg="<div style=\"background-color: pink; border: 1px solid red; margin: 10px;\">Upgrade to a premium account to access more advertisements. There are currently ".$upgradeOnly[total]." premium-only ads available!</div>";

$includes[title]="Get Paid To Click";


function clicked1(colid) {

".iif($totalptc>0, "
<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
		<td align=\"left\">$totalptc Links Available To Click</td><td align=\"right\"><div align=\"right\">
".iif($settings[surfalllinks],"<a href=\"gpt.php?v=entry&type=ptc&s=1&".$url_variables."\" style=\"font-size: 15pt;\">Surf These Links</a>")."     </div></td>

<table width=\"100%\">
<td><center><font color=\"darkred\"><b>NOTE: Members must click at least $settings[min_clicks_required] PTC Ads today to earn from their refferals tomorrow!</b></font></center></td>
<td><center><font color=\"darkgreen\"><b>Upgraded Members do not have to click any ads to receive earnings from their referrals.</b></font></center></td>
	<div class=\"ptcWrapper\">
<table width=100% border=0><tr><td>



<b>Rules</b><br />
<small>You Can Only Visit One Site At A Time<br />
<strong>You MUST Click The Correct Button After The Timer Runs Out</strong></small>

","<p>There are no links available to click!</p>")."

else {
$includes[content]="PTC is currently disabled by admin!";




.ptclink {
/*height: 5em;*/
width: 270px;
-moz-border-radius: 1em 4em 1em 4em;
border-radius: 1em 4em 1em 4em;
background-color: #e8e8e8;
border: 2px dashed #ab0224;

  margin:5px 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 1em 1em 1em 1em;
border-radius: 1em 1em 1em 1em;
  border:1px solid #ab0224;
  /* for IE */
  /* CSS3 standard */




Thanx all hope somebody can help with it

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First off, I would suggest using a class instead of inline styles. That way you can easily change a page layout without having to touch the PHP code. I think the problem is that you don;t want to use a float right - only the float left. Try using:



Edit: this really isn't a PHP question. Moving to the CSS forum. You should "test" your layout first usign mock pages with mock data. Once you have it in the format you want - THEN write the PHP to replicate it.

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First off, I would suggest using a class instead of inline styles. That way you can easily change a page layout without having to touch the PHP code. I think the problem is that you don;t want to use a float right - only the float left. Try using:



Edit: this really isn't a PHP question. Moving to the CSS forum. You should "test" your layout first usign mock pages with mock data. Once you have it in the format you want - THEN write the PHP to replicate it.


I tried with the


the formatting just went mayhem all the boxes overlapped :(


this is not the live page that is located @ http://www.doveclix.com/index.php?view=click& where


is still in use


and sorry for posting in the wrong section and thank you for moving it

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OK, as I said build the page with just mock content as a hard coded HTML file. Once you get the CSS and layout the way you want, then create the PHP code to generate the same way. So, at this point I suggest giving it a go with the hard coded page. Then if you can't get it the way you want post the code you have here and ask for help.

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