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Select results from 2 tables in different databases on same server?


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I am trying to grab the results of two identical tables (in terms of format and fields etc..) from two different databases located on the same server/host.


example TableA on DatabaseA:

Select firstname, lastname From TableA WHERE date= $today



results would be : John, Smith


example2 TableA on DatabaseB :

Select firstname, lastname From TableA WHERE date= $today


results for this : Chuck, Norris


I need a single select statement to give me the results :

John, Smith

Chuck, Norris


Does anyone know how i can accomplish this?


Thank you in advance for your help as I'v been struggling with this for awhile now and i can only seem to find documentation on JOINS which Im pretty sure is not what i need in this situation.

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Thanks for the quick reply!


SELECT DatabaseA.TableA.firstname as firstnameA, DatabaseB.TableA.firstname as firstnameB, DatabaseA.TableA.lastname as lastnameA, DatabaseB.TableA.lastname as lastnameB FROM DatabaseA.TableA, DatabaseB.TableA WHERE DatabaseA.TableA.dateA = $today AND DatabaseB.TableA.dateA = $today;


After taking a look at the link you relayed, it seems that the query they are suggesting would give me the results











I need the results to be appended not as new columns but at the end of the data set of one table using the same columns









It's looking like the only way to do this is maybe putting together a temporary table on the fly? Any advise?


side note: as a further explanation of why i need the query to behave this way, is because i have a php script that dumps the result of a query into a .csv file (spreadsheet) so doing what was suggested above or doing a JOIN would give me the data, but it will spit it out to the spreadsheet by appending new columns as shown above instead of placing the data at the end of the data of the first table. ugh... im confusing myself.  :shrug:



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