colleyboy Posted August 8, 2011 Share Posted August 8, 2011 I am using CS-Cart as a shopping cart system and am trying to sort out the payment processor. I want to use "PayPal Standard" but its not working. I keep getting the error: You have entered an invalid quantity value. A quantity value must be an integer greater than or equal to one. This is the PayPal page which I think may contain an error (possibly with the "quantity" value): Can anyone help? :S!! Plz <?php // // $Id: paypal.php 9088 2010-03-15 10:40:51Z 2tl $ // if ( !defined('AREA') ) { die('Access denied'); } // Return from paypal website if (defined('PAYMENT_NOTIFICATION')) { if ($mode == 'notify' && !empty($_REQUEST['order_id'])) { if (fn_check_payment_script('paypal.php', $_REQUEST['order_id'], $processor_data)) { $pp_response = array(); $order_info = fn_get_order_info($_REQUEST['order_id']); $pp_mc_gross = !empty($_REQUEST['mc_gross']) ? $_REQUEST['mc_gross'] : 0; if ($pp_mc_gross != $order_info['total']) { $pp_response['order_status'] = 'F'; $pp_response['reason_text'] = fn_get_lang_var('order_total_not_correct'); $pp_response['transaction_id'] = @$_REQUEST['txn_id']; } elseif (stristr($_REQUEST['payment_status'], 'Completed')) { $params = $processor_data['params']; $paypal_host = ($params['mode'] == 'test' ? "" : ""); $post_data = array(); $paypal_post = $_REQUEST; unset($paypal_post['dispatch']); $paypal_post["cmd"] = "_notify-validate"; foreach ($paypal_post as $k => $v) { $post_data[] = "$k=$v"; } list($headers, $result) = fn_https_request('POST', "https://$paypal_host:443/cgi-bin/webscr", $post_data); if (stristr($result, 'VERIFIED')) { $pp_response['order_status'] = 'P'; $pp_response['reason_text'] = ''; $pp_response['transaction_id'] = @$_REQUEST['txn_id']; } elseif (stristr($result, 'INVALID')) { $pp_response['order_status'] = 'D'; $pp_response['reason_text'] = ''; $pp_response['transaction_id'] = @$_REQUEST['txn_id']; } else { $pp_response['order_status'] = 'F'; $pp_response['reason_text'] = ''; $pp_response['transaction_id'] = @$_REQUEST['txn_id']; } } elseif (stristr($_REQUEST['payment_status'], 'Pending')) { $pp_response['order_status'] = 'O'; $pp_response['reason_text'] = ''; $pp_response['transaction_id'] = @$_REQUEST['txn_id']; } elseif (stristr($_REQUEST['payment_status'], 'Refunded')) { $_order = db_get_row("SELECT status, total FROM ?:orders WHERE order_id = ?i", $_REQUEST['order_id']); $pp_response['order_status'] = (floatval($_order['total']) - abs(floatval($_REQUEST['payment_gross'])) == 0) ? 'I' : $_order['status']; $pp_response['reason_text'] = ''; $pp_response['transaction_id'] = @$_REQUEST['txn_id']; } else { $pp_response['order_status'] = 'D'; $pp_response['reason_text'] = ''; $pp_response['transaction_id'] = @$_REQUEST['txn_id']; } fn_finish_payment($_REQUEST['order_id'], $pp_response); } exit; } elseif ($mode == 'return') { fn_order_placement_routines($_REQUEST['order_id'], false); } elseif ($mode == 'cancel') { $order_info = fn_get_order_info($_REQUEST['order_id']); $pp_response['order_status'] = 'F'; $pp_response["reason_text"] = fn_get_lang_var('text_transaction_declined'); fn_finish_payment($_REQUEST['order_id'], $pp_response, false); fn_order_placement_routines($_REQUEST['order_id']); } } else { $paypal_account = $processor_data['params']['account']; $current_location = Registry::get('config.current_location'); if ($processor_data['params']['mode'] == 'test') { $paypal_url = ""; } else { $paypal_url = ""; } $paypal_currency = $processor_data['params']['currency']; $paypal_item_name = $processor_data['params']['item_name']; //Order Total $paypal_total = fn_format_price($order_info['total'] - fn_order_shipping_cost($order_info)); $paypal_shipping = fn_order_shipping_cost($order_info); $paypal_order_id = $processor_data['params']['order_prefix'].(($order_info['repaid']) ? ($order_id .'_'. $order_info['repaid']) : $order_id); $_phone = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $order_info['phone']); $_ph_a = $_ph_b = $_ph_c = ''; if ($order_info['b_country'] == 'US') { $_phone = substr($_phone, -10); $_ph_a = substr($_phone, 0, 3); $_ph_b = substr($_phone, 3, 3); $_ph_c = substr($_phone, 6, 4); } elseif ($order_info['b_country'] == 'GB') { if ((strlen($_phone) == 11) && in_array(substr($_phone, 0, 2), array('01', '02', '07', '08'))) { $_ph_a = '44'; $_ph_b = substr($_phone, 1); } elseif (substr($_phone, 0, 2) == '44') { $_ph_a = '44'; $_ph_b = substr($_phone, 2); } else { $_ph_a = '44'; $_ph_b = $_phone; } } elseif ($order_info['b_country'] == 'AU') { if ((strlen($_phone) == 10) && $_phone[0] == '0') { $_ph_a = '61'; $_ph_b = substr($_phone, 1); } elseif (substr($_phone, 0, 2) == '61') { $_ph_a = '61'; $_ph_b = substr($_phone, 2); } else { $_ph_a = '61'; $_ph_b = $_phone; } } else { $_ph_a = substr($_phone, 0, 3); $_ph_b = substr($_phone, 3); } // US states if (strlen($order_info['b_state'] == 2)) { $_b_state = $order_info['b_state']; // all other states } else { $_b_state = fn_get_state_name($order_info['b_state'], $order_info['b_country']); } $msg = fn_get_lang_var('text_cc_processor_connection'); $msg = str_replace('[processor]', 'PayPal', $msg); echo <<<EOT <html> <body onLoad="document.paypal_form.submit();"> <form action="{$paypal_url}" method="post" name="paypal_form"> <input type=hidden name="charset" value="utf-8"> <input type=hidden name="cmd" value="_cart"> <input type=hidden name="custom" value="$order_id"> <input type=hidden name="invoice" value="$paypal_order_id"> <input type=hidden name="redirect_cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type=hidden name="rm" value="2"> <input type=hidden name="email" value="{$order_info['email']}"> <input type=hidden name="first_name" value="{$order_info['b_firstname']}"> <input type=hidden name="last_name" value="{$order_info['b_lastname']}"> <input type=hidden name="address1" value="{$order_info['b_address']}"> <input type=hidden name="address2" value="{$order_info['b_address_2']}"> <input type=hidden name="country" value="{$order_info['b_country']}"> <input type=hidden name="city" value="{$order_info['b_city']}"> <input type=hidden name="state" value="{$_b_state}"> <input type=hidden name="zip" value="{$order_info['b_zipcode']}"> <input type=hidden name="day_phone_a" value="{$_ph_a}"> <input type=hidden name="day_phone_b" value="{$_ph_b}"> <input type=hidden name="day_phone_c" value="{$_ph_c}"> <input type=hidden name="night_phone_a" value="{$_ph_a}"> <input type=hidden name="night_phone_b" value="{$_ph_b}"> <input type=hidden name="night_phone_c" value="{$_ph_c}"> <input type=hidden name="business" value="{$paypal_account}"> <input type=hidden name="item_name" value="{$paypal_item_name}"> <input type=hidden name="amount" value="{$paypal_total}"> <input type=hidden name="upload" value="1"> <input type=hidden name="handling_cart" value="{$paypal_shipping}"> <input type=hidden name="currency_code" value="{$paypal_currency}"> <input type=hidden name="return" value="$current_location/$index_script?dispatch=payment_notification.return&payment=paypal&order_id=$order_id"> <input type=hidden name="cancel_return" value="$current_location/$index_script?dispatch=payment_notification.cancel&payment=paypal&order_id=$order_id" /> <input type=hidden name="notify_url" value="$current_location/$index_script?dispatch=payment_notification.notify&payment=paypal&order_id=$order_id"> <input type=hidden name="bn" value="ST_ShoppingCart_Upload_US"> EOT; $i = 1; // Products if (empty($order_info['use_gift_certificates']) && !floatval($order_info['subtotal_discount'])) { if (!empty($order_info['items'])) { foreach ($order_info['items'] as $k => $v) { $suffix = '_'.($i++); $v['product'] = htmlspecialchars($v['product']); $v['price'] = fn_format_price(($v['subtotal'] - fn_external_discounts($v)) / $v['amount']); echo <<<EOT <input type="hidden" name="item_name{$suffix}" value="{$v['product']}" /> <input type="hidden" name="amount{$suffix}" value="{$v['price']}" /> <input type="hidden" name="quantity{$suffix}" value="{$v['amount']}" /> EOT; if (!empty($v['product_options'])) { foreach ($v['product_options'] as $_k => $_v) { $_v['option_name'] = htmlspecialchars($_v['option_name']); $_v['variant_name'] = htmlspecialchars($_v['variant_name']); echo <<<EOT <input type="hidden" name="on{$_k}{$suffix}" value="{$_v['option_name']}" /> <input type="hidden" name="os{$_k}{$suffix}" value="{$_v['variant_name']}" /> EOT; } } } } // Gift Certificates if (!empty($order_info['gift_certificates'])) { foreach ($order_info['gift_certificates'] as $k => $v) { $suffix = '_'.($i++); $v['gift_cert_code'] = htmlspecialchars($v['gift_cert_code']); $v['amount'] = (!empty($v['extra']['exclude_from_calculate'])) ? 0 : $v['amount']; echo <<<EOT <input type="hidden" name="item_name{$suffix}" value="{$v['gift_cert_code']}" /> <input type="hidden" name="amount{$suffix}" value="{$v['amount']}" /> <input type="hidden" name="quantity{$suffix}" value="1" /> EOT; } } // Payment surcharge if (floatval($order_info['payment_surcharge'])) { $suffix = '_' . ($i++); $name = fn_get_lang_var('surcharge'); echo <<<EOT <input type="hidden" name="item_name{$suffix}" value="{$name}" /> <input type="hidden" name="amount{$suffix}" value="{$order_info['payment_surcharge']}" /> <input type="hidden" name="quantity{$suffix}" value="1" /> EOT; } } else { $total_description = fn_get_lang_var('total_product_cost'); echo <<<EOT <input type="hidden" name="item_name_1" value="{$total_description}" /> <input type="hidden" name="amount_1" value="{$paypal_total}" /> <input type="hidden" name="quantity_1" value="1" /> EOT; } echo <<<EOT </form> <div align=center>{$msg}</div> </body> </html> EOT; fn_flush(); } exit; ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colleyboy Posted August 8, 2011 Author Share Posted August 8, 2011 Sorry (its not tpl)... cannot work out why this is doing this ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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