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I got an problem with the valiadation mail.

But what is weird when I made an account named test he sended me the mail and I tried again some later with the name test2 but I didn't got an email.

Is this a problem of the webhosting or my code?

Here is the code:

// Jisko: An open-source microblogging application
// Copyright (C) 2008-10 Rubén Díaz <[email protected]>
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

class mailing
var $email;
var $headers;
var $subject;
var $text;

function sendMail($email, $subject, $html_subject, $text, $notifications = false, $admin = false, $language = false)
	global $jk;

	$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
	$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
	$headers .= "From: ".$jk->name." <".$jk->admin_mail.">";

	$text = '<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body><style type="text/css"> .footer a{color:#B9B7D0}</style><div id="contenedor"><a href="'.$jk->base.'"><img src="'.$jk->base.'static/img/logos/'.$jk->logo.'" style="border:0px;padding-left:30px;" alt="'.$jk->name.'" /></a><br /><br />
<div class="title" style="padding:5px;padding-left:30px;padding-right:30px;font-family:Georgia,Tahoma;color:#08004D;height:40px"><h3 style="font-style:italic;font-size:20px">'.$html_subject.'</h3></div><div class="content" style="font-family: Helvetica, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 17px;background:url(../themes/transparency/img/web_bg.png);border:1px solid #ddd;border-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius:4px;color:black;padding:5px;padding-left:30px;padding-right:30px;"> '.$text.'</div></div>';

	$text .= $this->bottomMail($notifications, $admin, $language);

	$text .= '</body></html>';

	mail($email, $jk->name.' // '.$subject, $text, $headers);

function bottomMail($notifications = false, $admin = false, $language = false)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $jk;

	$return = '<div class="footer" style="padding-top:5px;font-size:11px;color:#B9B7C0;font-family:"Lucida Grande",Arial,serif"><div style="float:right">Powered by <a href="http://www.jisko.org">Jisko</a></div>';

	if ($language != false) {
		if (file_exists(PATH.'locale/'.deflang($language).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
			$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
				new CachedFileReader(PATH.'locale/'.deflang($language).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	if ($admin == false) {
		if ($notifications) $return .= sprintf(__('Turn off this notifications at %s'), '<a href="'.coreLink('settings', 'config').'">'.coreLink('settings', 'config').'</a>')."<br />";

		$return .= sprintf(__('Have you got any problem? Contact the administrator at %s'), '<a href="'.coreLink('contact').'">'.coreLink('contact').'</a>').'<br />';
		if ($jk->tos == true) $return .= '<br />'.sprintf(__('Since you got registered on %s, you agree with the Terms of Service (TOS) placed in %s'), $jk->name, '<a href="'.coreLink('tos').'">'.coreLink('tos').'</a>').'<br />';

	if ($language != false) {
		if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
			$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
				new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	return $return.'</div>';

function forgottenPassword($email, $uid, $token)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $db;

	$userInfo = $db->getUserOptions($uid, array('username', 'language'));

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	$text = str_replace('%username', '<a href="'.coreLink($userInfo['username']).'">'.$userInfo['username'].'</a>', __("Someone (probably you) has just requested a password reset for the account with %username as the username. Because we need to confirm the request, please click the link placed below in order to continue the process:")).'<br /><br /><a href="'.coreLink(array('uid='.$uid, 'key='.$token), 'trouble_login').'">'.coreLink(array('uid='.$uid, 'key='.$token), 'trouble_login').'</a><br /><br />'.__("Please remember that this link will expire in 24h, so if you didn't request a password change, simply ignore this email");

	$this->sendMail($email, __('Password reset instructions'), __('Password reset'), $text, false, false, $userInfo['language']);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

function resetPassword($email, $new_password, $userID)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $db;

	$userInfo = $db->getUserOptions($userID, array('language'));

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	$text = __("We have received your request for changing your password and here is your new password:").'<br /><br />';
	$text .= '<div style="padding: 10px;background-color:#D9D9D9">'.$new_password.'</div><br />';
	$text .= sprintf(__('Remember that you can change your password at %s'), '<a href="'.coreLink('settings', 'config').'">'.coreLink('settings', 'config').'</a>');

	$this->sendMail($email, __('Your new password'), __('Your new password'), $text, false, false, $userInfo['language']);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

function newFollower($userID, $content)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $_USER;
	global $db;

	$userInfo = $db->getUserOptions($userID, array('language', 'email'));

	if (file_exists(PATH.'locale/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'locale/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	$notes = $db->countNotes('archive', $_USER['ID']);
	$followers = $db->countFollowers($_USER['ID']);
	$following = $db->countFollowing($_USER['ID']);

	$subject = __("%real_or_username is now following you");
	$text = str_replace('%real_or_username', '<a href="'.coreLink($_USER['username']).'">'.utf8_htmlentities($content).'</a>', str_replace('%name', $jk->name, __("%real_or_username is now following your updates on %name"))).'<br /><br />';

	$text .= '<div style="padding: 10px;padding-bottom:20px;background-color:#D9D9D9"><div style="float:right;width:90%;margin-bottom:5px">'.$notes.' '.__('notes').'<br />'.$followers.' '.__('followers').'<br />'.sprintf(__('following %s users'), $following).'</div><img src="'.getAvatar($_USER['ID'], 48).'" height="48" width="48"></div><br /><br />'.sprintf(__('You can check his/her profile at %s'), coreLink($_USER['username']));

	$subject = str_replace('%real_or_username', $content, $subject);
	$text = str_replace('%name', $jk->name, $text);

	$this->sendMail($userInfo['email'], $subject, __('New follower'), $text, true, false, $userInfo['language']);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

function newPrivateNote($userInfo, $note, $USER, $attached_file = false, $id = false)
	global $gettext_tables;

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	$subject = __("Private message from %real_or_username");

	if ($USER['realname']) $content = $USER['realname'].' ('.$USER['username'].')';
	else $content = $USER['username'];

	$text = str_replace('%real_or_username', '<a href="'.coreLink($_USER['username']).'">'.$content.'</a>', __('%real_or_username has sent you a private message:'))."<br /><br />";
	$text .= '<div style="padding: 10px;background-color:#D9D9D9">'.utf8_htmlentities($note).'</div><br />';
	if ($attached_file) {
		$text .= sprintf(__('With the following attachment: %s'), coreLink('download', $id, $attached_file))."<br /><br />";
	$text .= str_replace('%username', $USER['username'], str_replace('%base', coreLink('notes', 'private'), __("You can reply to this message by sending a note with \"!%username <your message>\" or through the web interface at %base")));

	$subject = str_replace('%real_or_username', $content, $subject);

	$this->sendMail($userInfo['email'], $subject, __('New private message'), $text, true, false, $userInfo['language']);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

function newReplyNote($userInfo, $note, $note1, $note2 = false, $attached_file = false)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $db;
	global $_USER;

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	if ($_USER['realname']) $content = $_USER['realname'].' ('.$_USER['username'].')';
	else $content = $_USER['username'];

	$subject = str_replace('%real_or_username', $content, __("Reply from %real_or_username"));

	$text = str_replace('%real_or_username', $content, __('%real_or_username has replied or mentioned you in the following note:'))."<br /><br />";
	$text .= '<div style="padding: 10px;background-color:#D9D9D9">'.utf8_htmlentities(stripslashes($note)).'</div><br />';
	if ($attached_file) $text .= sprintf(__('With the following attachment: %s'), coreLink('download', $note1, $attached_file))."<br /><br />";
	$text .= __('Permalink:').' <a href="'.coreLink($_USER['username'], $note1).'">'.coreLink($_USER['username'], $note1).'</a>';
	if ($note2) {
		$noteInfo = $db->getTextFromNoteID($note2);
		$text .= '<br /><br />'.__("This note was replying to:").'<br /><br /><div style="padding: 10px;background-color:#D9D9D9">'.utf8_htmlentities(stripslashes($db->getTextFromNoteID($note2))).'</div><br />'.__('Permalink:').' <a href="'.coreLink($userInfo['username'], $note2).'">'.coreLink($userInfo['username'], $note2).'</a>';

	$this->sendMail($userInfo['email'], $subject, $subject, $text, true, false, $userInfo['language']);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

function confirmRegistration($email, $user_id, $token)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $db, $jk;

	$userInfo = $db->getUserOptions($user_id, array('language'));

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	$subject = str_replace('%name', $jk->name, __('Confirmation for %name account'));

	$text = __('Someone (probably you) has requested an account in %name. However, we need to know if you are the owner of this mail account.');
	$text .= '<br />'.__('To confirm it, please click in the link placed below:').'<br /><br /><a href="'.coreLink(array('uid='.$user_id, 'key='.$token), 'register').'">'.coreLink(array('uid='.$user_id, 'key='.$token), 'register').'</a><br /><br />';
	$text .= __("If you didn't request an account at %name, ignore this mail and apologies for the inconvenience.");

	$text = str_replace('%name', $jk->name, $text);

	$this->sendMail($email, $subject, __('Account confirmation'), $text, false, false, $userInfo['language']);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

function emailChange($email, $user_id, $new_email, $token)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $db, $jk;

	$userInfo = $db->getUserInfo($user_id);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	$text = str_replace('%name', $jk->name, __("Someone (probably you) has requested a change of the email assigned to your account in %name. Your new email will be:")).'<br /><br /><div style="padding: 10px;background-color:#D9D9D9">'.$new_email.'</div><br /><br />'.__('If you requested this change, then confirm it by clicking the link placed below:').'<br /><br/><a href="'.coreLink(array('confirm', 'key='.$token), 'settings', 'config').'">'.coreLink(array('confirm', 'key='.$token), 'settings', 'config').'</a><br /><br />'.__("Otherwise, if you didn't request this change, then simply ignore this message, because this link will expire in 24h");

	$this->sendMail($email, __('Confirm email change'), __('Email change'), $text, false, false, $userInfo['language']);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

function registrationSuccess($email, $username)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $db, $jk;

	$userInfo = $db->getUserOptions($userID, array('language'));

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	$text = __("Welcome to %name").'<br /><br />';
	$text .= str_replace('%p_url', '<a href="'.coreLink('settings', 'profile').'">'.coreLink('settings', 'profile').'</a>', __('You have just confirmed your account in %name, so now you can start personalizing your profile at %p_url!'));
	$text .= '<br /><br />'.__('%name is based on Jisko, an open-source microblogging platform. You can find more information about Jisko at http://www.jisko.org').'<br /><br />'.__('Thank you very much for signing up in %name and for giving us a try!');

	$text = str_replace('%name', $jk->name, $text);

	$this->sendMail($email, __('Welcome!'), __('Welcome!'), $text, false, false, $userInfo['language']);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

function alertNewUser($username)
	global $jk;

	$subject = __("There's a new user on %name");

	$text = __("A new user called %username has joined %name.").'<br /><br />'.__("It should be empty, but if you want, you can check his profile at %url");

	$subject = str_replace('%name', $jk->name, $subject);
	$text = str_replace('%username', '<span style="text-decoration:underline">'.$username.'</span>', str_replace('%name', $jk->name, $text));
	$text = str_replace('%url', '<a href="'.coreLink($username).'">'.coreLink($username).'</a>', $text);

	$this->sendMail($jk->admin_mail, $subject, __('New account'), $text, false, true);

function alertDelUser($uid)
	global $db;
	global $jk;

	$uinfo = $db->getUserOptions($uid, array('username', 'email'));

	$subject = __("The user %username has deleted his account from %name");

	$text = __("The user %username has deleted his account from %name.").'<br /><br/>'.__("If you want to contact him, his email is %email");

	$subject = str_replace('%name', $jk->name, str_replace('%username', $uinfo['username'], $subject));
	$text = str_replace('%username', '<span style="text-decoration:underline">'.$username.'</span>', str_replace('%name', $jk->name, $text));
	$text = str_replace('%email', $uinfo['email'], $text);

	$this->sendMail($jk->admin_mail, $subject, __('Deleted account'), $text, false, true);

function newInvitation($email, $token)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $_USER, $jk;

	$subject = __('%username has invited you to %name!');

	$text = __("Hey!").'<br /><br />'.__("%username just sent you an invitation for using %name! %name is a microblogging portal where you can share your own experiences and your feelings about everything.").'<br/><br />'.__("Why don't you give %name a try and register?").'<br/><br />'.__('Click on the following link in order to use your invitation to %name').'<br /><br /><div style="padding: 10px;background-color:#D9D9D9"><a href="'.coreLink(array('token='.$token), 'register').'">'.coreLink(array('token='.$token), 'register').'</a></div><br /><br />'.__('Thank you and have fun on %name!');

	$subject = str_replace('%username', $_USER['username'], str_replace('%name', $jk->name, $subject));
	$text = str_replace('%username', '<a href="'.coreLink($_USER['username']).'">'.$_USER['username'].'</a>', str_replace('%name', $jk->name, $text));

	$this->sendMail($email, $subject, sprintf(__('Invitation to %s'), $jk->name), $text);

function passwordChange($email, $userID, $ip)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $db, $jk;

	$userInfo = $db->getUserOptions($userID, array('language'));

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	$text = str_replace('%name', $jk->name, __("We send this mail to tell you that your password on %name has been changed.")).'<br /><br />';
	$text .= str_replace('%ip', $ip, str_replace('%contact_page', '<a href="'.coreLink('contact').'">'.coreLink('contact').'</a>', __('This change was requested from the ip %ip. If you were not the user who changed your password, please contact the administrator at %contact_page')));

	$this->sendMail($email, __('Your password has been changed'), __('Your password has been changed'), $text, false, false, $userInfo['language']);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

function confirmDrop($email, $username, $userID, $token)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $db, $jk;

	$userInfo = $db->getUserOptions($userID, array('language'));

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang($userInfo['language']).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	$text = str_replace('%name', $jk->name, str_replace('%contact_page', coreLink('contact'), __("Are you sure you want to delete your %name account? If you are having problems with %name, remember that you can contact us through %contact_page and we will take notes about your issues/suggestions.")));
	$text .= '<br /><br />'.__("If you're are completely sure of your decision (remember, this is NOT REVERSIBLE), please click the link placed below:");
	$text .= str_replace('%drop_url', '<a href="'.coreLink(array('key='.$token, 'confirm'), 'drop_account').'">'.coreLink(array('key='.$token, 'confirm'), 'drop_account').'</a>', '<br /><br />%drop_url<br /><br />').__('You must be logged in order to delete your account and remember that this request will expire in 24h.').'<br /><br />'.__('We will miss you!');

	$this->sendMail($email, __('Delete account confirmation'), __('Delete account confirmation'), $text, false, false, $userInfo['language']);

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

function sendMessage($email, $message, $ip, $username = false, $copy = false)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $jk;

	if (file_exists(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')) {
		$gettext_tables = new gettext_reader(
			new CachedFileReader(PATH.'includes/languages/'.deflang(LANG).'/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo')

	if (!$username) $subject = __('Someone has sent you a message through the Contact page');
	else $subject = sprintf(__('%s has sent you a message through the Contact page'), $username);

	$text = __('Someone has decided to contact you through the contact page of your Jisko installation. Here are the details:')."<br /><br />";
	if ($username) $text .= sprintf('Username: %s', '<a href="'.coreLink($username).'">'.$username.'</a>')." - ";
	$text .= sprintf('IP: %s', '<a href="http://www.geoip.co.uk/?IP='.$ip.'">'.$ip.'</a>')." - ";
	$text .= sprintf('Email: %s', $email);

	$text .= '<br /><br /><div style="padding: 10px;background-color:#D9D9D9">'.utf8_htmlentities($message).'</div><br />';
	$text .= __("Please remember that you can only reply this message through the email provided. Otherwise, he won't see your answer");

	$this->sendMail($jk->admin_mail, $subject, __('New message received'), $text, false, true);
	if ($copy) $this->sendMail($email, $subject, __('New message received'), $text, false, true);

function reportAbuse($user_id, $reported_username, $ip)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $db;
	global $_USER;
	global $jk;

	$subject = str_replace('%username', $_USER['username'], str_replace('%r_username', $reported_username, __("%username reported the user %r_username")));

	$text = __("The user %username (ID: %id) from the IP %ip reported the user %r_username (ID: %r_id).");

	$text = str_replace('%username', '<a href="'.coreLink($_USER['username']).'">'.$_USER['username'].'</a>', str_replace('%r_username', '<a href="'.coreLink($reported_username).'">'.$reported_username.'</a>', $text));
	$text = str_replace('%id', $_USER['ID'], str_replace('%ip', '<a href="http://www.geoip.co.uk/?IP='.$ip.'">'.$ip.'</a>', $text));
	$text = str_replace('%r_id', $user_id, $text);

	$this->sendMail($jk->abuse_mail, $subject, __('New abuse report'), $text, false, true);

function reportAbuseNote($result, $ip)
	global $gettext_tables;
	global $db;
	global $_USER;
	global $jk;

	$subject = __("%username reported the note %r_note");

	$text = __("The user %username (ID: %id) from the IP %ip reported the note %r_note made by %r_username (ID: %r_id).")."<br /><br />";
	$text .= '<div style="padding: 10px;background-color:#D9D9D9">%content</div><br /><br />'.__('Permalink:').' %link';

	$subject = str_replace('%username', $_USER['username'], str_replace('%r_note', '#'.$result['ID'], $subject));
	$text = str_replace('%username', '<a href="'.coreLink($_USER['username']).'">'.$_USER['username'].'</a>', str_replace('%id', $_USER['ID'], $text));
	$text = str_replace('%ip', '<a href="http://www.geoip.co.uk/?IP='.$ip.'">'.$ip.'</a>', str_replace('%r_note', '<a href="'.coreLink($result['username'], $result['ID']).'">#'.$result['ID'].'</a>', $text));
	$text = str_replace('%r_id', $result['ID'], str_replace('%r_username', '<a href="'.coreLink($result['username']).'">'.$result['username'].'</a>', $text));
	$text = str_replace('%content', utf8_htmlentities(put_smileys($result['note'])), str_replace('%link', coreLink($result['username'], $result['ID']), $text));

	$this->sendMail($jk->abuse_mail, $subject, __('New abuse report'), $text, false, true);


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If you received the mail the first time, I don't exactly see how it could be your hosting.  If you want to find out, you should contact them to find out whether or not they allow mail to be sent from their hosting.


The only other thing I can think of is it prevents you from using an identical email and you tried to do so.  Seeing as this is a 3rd Party Script, and looks relatively formal / professional, I don't think they would release something that wasn't working.  If they did, you should contact them and submit a bug report.


You will get better support from someone who actually knows what the code is, and why it may not be working.




Contact hosting, if they say there is no problem.

Contact Jisko, if they say there is no problem.

Try again, if problem again come back and maybe that will narrow it down enough for other possibilities.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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