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Retrieving the passed ID


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I wonder if you guys could help me. I have a table called modules and within it it has moduleID, moduleTitle, moduleCode etc.


A checkbox is populated next to each module that is displayed and the value of the checkbox is the moduleID. When a user checks the modules and click submit they get passed onto another page. On this other page I have managed to retrieve the moduleID's which have been checked but I am having trouble in turning these moduleID so that I can display the moduleTitle, moduleCode etc for the ones that have been checked on this new page.


I have used the following code but no luck  :confused:



$cats_upload = "";
foreach($_POST['module'] as $cats) // errors if no modules are selected
  echo '<p>Module data moduleID: '.$cats.'</p>';

	$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modules WHERE moduleID ='".$cats."'");

$productCount = mysql_num_rows($sql); //count the output amount

if($productCount > 0){
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){	

$moduleTitle = $row["moduleTitle"];

	$cats_upload .= "<tr><td>$moduleTitle</td></tr>"; 

} else { 
$cats_upload = "<tr><td>No modules have been selected</td></tr>";





If anyone has any suggestions to what it might be, please let me know.


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This could not work .. your $cats is defined only inside the foreach loop




$cats_upload = "";
foreach($_POST['module'] as $cats) // errors if no modules are selected
  echo '<p>Module data moduleID: '.$cats.'</p>';

 $cats_sql_match_string=substr($cats_sql_match_string, 0,strlen($cats_sql_match_string)-1);
// the mysql extension to PHP is full of problems, you might want to switch to mysqli
// you might also want to centralize all your queries into one function query($stuff) in order to avoid maintenance nightmares (as in switching from a db extension to another)
	$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modules WHERE moduleID IN'".$cats_sql_match_string."'");

// Besides, executing a query with potentially no $cats at all is not a good idea, add some checks for that
$productCount = mysql_num_rows($sql); //count the output amount

if($productCount > 0){
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){	

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