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fetching record from multipul tables and making domain expire alerts


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im working a online php software for domain management system.


now below is all information for exactly what i can do


1) table



all domains stores in this table with expiration date.



id = 5

title = sarking.com

type = 3

expirytime = 1315797147



2) table




all domain notification type mean some domains only register with us and some domain have hosting also with us and some domains only hosted







id = 3

title = domain+hosting






all notice type have multi templates like one domain is going expire client will received 3 email.



id = 1

parentid = 3

days = 60

subject = domain expire notice

message = your domain will be expire soon







in this table we will store all sent mail notice so next time we will not repeat email.



id = 10

noticeid = 5

mailid = 1



my code



$shonirresult = $sm->shonirqueryfnc("select en.*, nt.*, mt.*, nl.*, en.id as en_id, en.title as en_title, mt.id as mt_id from {tbl}expiration_notice en, {tbl}noticetype nt, {tbl}mailtemp mt, {tbl}noticelogs nl where en.type=nt.id and nt.id=mt.parentid and en.expirytime<($shonirvartime+(".(60*60*24)."*mt.d ays)) and (nl.noticeid<>en.id and nl.mailid<>mt.id ) ", 'Get Expiration Notice Result');

$shonirrows = $sm->shonirrowsfnc($shonirresult, 'Get Expiration Notice Rows');


$shonirrecords = $sm->shonirrecordsfnc($shonirresult, 'Get Expiration Notice Records');


echo date("m/d/Y", ($shonirvartime)).'<br/>' ;


echo $shonirrecords['en_title'].'<br/>';


$sm->shonirqueryfnc("insert into {tbl}noticelogs (noticeid, mailid, addtime) value({$shonirrecords['en_id']}, {$shonirrecords['mt_id']}, $shonirvartime) ", 'Insert Notice Log Record');





problems is function show sarking.com again even i add there function if not exit in noicelog table then show.


(nl.noticeid<>en.id and nl.mailid<>mt.id )


i dont know why its not working :'(



thanks in advance for your consideration

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