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Hi guys, i have written this script to display all files in a folder, what to do is somehow turn this into a form or table with options to move the file to another folder. Basically its so i can move news article to a 'archive' folder other wise they all display on my page which before long is just too many and i have too delete them.


so far i have

<table width="620" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td colspan="2">News Articles</td>
    <td width="140"> </td>
    <td width="480"> </td>
    <td align="center"> </td>
    <td align="center"><?php
    $dir = opendir('../edit/news/news/');
echo '<ul>';

while ($read = readdir($dir))

if ($read!='.' && $read!='..')
echo '<li><a href="../edit/news/news/'.$read.'">'.$read.'</a></li>';


echo '</ul>';



Ideally it would be great if i had say a menu next to each file with the option to 'delete' or 'send to achive'


thank you

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I didn't code everything, so here is an example:


This is the page that has the main form of the files you want to move:

foreach(glob('../edit/news/news/*') as $file){
echo "<input type='checkbox' name='file[]' value='$file' /> $file<br />";


This is the page that processes the files once you submit the form:

foreach($_POST['file'] as $file){
	$filename = basename($file);
	rename($file, "../archives/$filename");


Note: I didn't test this.

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You can enclose your existing code in a form and add two checkboxes to your <li></li> tag (note I put your ../edit/news/news value into the variable $path so that it could be set at one place in your code, but used anywhere it is needed) -


	echo "<li><a href='$path/$read'>$read</a> Delete: <input type='checkbox' name='delete' value='$read'> Archive: <input type='checkbox' name='archive' value='$read'></li>";


You would then loop over any of the 'delete' checkbox values to delete files and loop over any of the 'archive' checkbox values to archive files.

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Upon further review (and testing) of the code I posted, you would need to make the name="" attributes arrays (delete[] and archive[]).


You would then be able to process the checkboxes using code similar to this -


// your authentication/log in check code would go here...

if(isset($_POST['delete']) && is_array($_POST['delete'])){
	foreach($_POST['delete'] as $value){
		echo "Delete $value<br />";
		// your code to delete the file given by $value would go here...
if(isset($_POST['archive']) && is_array($_POST['archive'])){
	foreach($_POST['archive'] as $value){
		echo "Archive $value<br />";
		// your code to archive the file give by $value would go here...

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Using PFMaBiSmAd's code, I added some error checking:


// your authentication/log in check code would go here...

if(isset($_POST['delete']) && is_array($_POST['delete'])){
	foreach($_POST['delete'] as $value){
			echo "Delete $value<br />";
			echo "File Not Found $value; Did Not Delet<br />e";
if(isset($_POST['archive']) && is_array($_POST['archive'])){
	foreach($_POST['archive'] as $value){
			echo "Archive $value<br />";
			rename($value, "../archives/$filename");
			echo "File Not Found $value; Did Not Move<br />";	

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You would make your form kinda like this:


<form action="/process/processFiles.php" method="post">
foreach(glob('../edit/news/news/*') as $file){
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td>$file</td>";
	echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='archive[]' value='$file' /> $file</td>";
	echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='delete[]' value='$file' /> $file</td>";
	echo "</tr>";

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Thanks for all your replies, i have read through and tried each one without much luck, im still struggling to grasp php


This is what i have, i check a checkbox and press submit query then i take me to a page to a '0' in the top left, but nothing happens teh file doesnt move or delete


<table width="620" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td colspan="2">News Articles</td>
    <td width="140"> </td>
    <td width="480"> </td>
    <td align="center"> </td>
    <td align="center">
$path = ('../edit/news/news/');
    $dir = opendir('../edit/news/news/');
echo '<ul>';

while ($read = readdir($dir))

if ($read!='.' && $read!='..')
<form action="/admin/edit/news/process.php" method="post">
	<td>Filename <? echo "<a href='$path/$read'>$read</a>" ?></td>
	<td>Archive: <input type='checkbox' name='archive' value='$read'></td>
	<td>Delete: <input type='checkbox' name='delete' value='$read'></td>
    <input type='hidden' name='submit'>
<input type='submit'>


echo '</ul>';

    <td align="center"> </td>
    <td align="center"> </td>


Im guessing the page above is completely wrong?

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Ok the following works to delete it but the problem im having is it wont move it too archive,


Warning: rename(../edit/news/news/test news article.txt,../edit/news/archives/) [function.rename]: Not a directory

Thing is there is a folder there, my folder my txt files are in is: 'website'/admin/edit/news/news/ and the archive folder is at 'website'/admin/edit/news/archive/


<form action='' method='post'>
<table width="620" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
$path =('../edit/news/news/');
    $dir = opendir('../edit/news/news/');
echo '<ul>';

while ($read = readdir($dir))

if ($read!='.' && $read!='..')
echo '<li><a href="'.$path.$read.'">'.$read.'</a></li>';


echo '</ul>';

foreach(glob('../edit/news/news/*') as $file){
	echo "<tr>";
	echo "<td>$file</td>";
	echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='archive[]' value='$file' /> $file</td>";
	echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='delete[]' value='$file' /> $file</td>";
	echo "</tr>";
<input type='hidden' name='submit'>
<input type='submit'>
// your authentication/log in check code would go here...

if(isset($_POST['delete']) && is_array($_POST['delete'])){
	foreach($_POST['delete'] as $value){
			echo "Delete $value<br />";
			echo "File Not Found $value; Did Not Delete<br />";
if(isset($_POST['archive']) && is_array($_POST['archive'])){
	foreach($_POST['archive'] as $value){
			echo "Archive $value<br />";
			rename($value, "../edit/news/archives/$filename");
			echo "File Not Found $value; Did Not Move<br />";	


The only other thing is can i have it display the file name as in 'test news article.txt' rather than the whole path ''../edit/news/news/test news article.txt''


Thanks again, i know its a pain help complete idiots out  ;)



edit: forgot the mention that this script is in the location "'website'/admin/control/ "if that helps at all.

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I tried what you guys said but nothing, when i try to echo the value it does nothing (cant delete or move), it keeps putting out an error on line 56 which is

rename($value, "../edit/news/archives/$filename");


I tried many variation of this line but nothing solves it, any ideas?

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The path i wrong with that code, the variable $file holds the path to the existing file, how can i make a new variable with the new file path?


i know i can do something like

$new = ../edit/news/archives/


but i don't know ho to get the file name on the end, all the variable seem to be holding the path as well

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